Feb. 21st - Nuwara Eliya to Ella - Kim and Glory - Cycling beyond - CycleBlaze

February 21, 2024

Feb. 21st - Nuwara Eliya to Ella

More oI knew I had about a 15 mile downhill run to start my morning off.  I also knew from other blogs that there was a couple of climbs as well.  I did not realized those climbs would be as long as they were.  But first, let's hit the road going down.  I'm off to the very touristy town of Ella.

I knew this morning that my downhill would likely be one of the most cautious I have ever ridden.  No full speed ahead and taking the lane.  Why?  Because those damn buses have no second though about passing coming up on a blind curve and/or using whatever lane they want.  Plus, people passing the buses chugging up a hill aren't much better.  I'm going to be "defensive cycling" to the max today.  I heard that a couple of foreign girls got hit by a bus on their scooter/motorcycle a couple of weeks ago and their bodies were left in the road for hours while locals tried to decide who   had jurisdiction.  The locals just went around them.  Horrific.  I was told the mafia is in charge of those buses so there is no regulation and of course there is corruption.  They are no joke.

That's the start of my road down the mountain
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A little early and I suspect I am missing some amazing views
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You can barely see the faint outlines of various ridges in the distance
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Every cyclist's favorite sign
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I imagine on a clear day this is a spectacular view
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Tuk-tuk going down. A nice addition to my photo. I mean, they do rule Sri Lanka.
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There were a lot of sharp curves on the downhill, so my brakes got their workout too.  I stopped a number of times to let them cool down a sec and to let traffic pass me.  I followed the A5 to just past Weilimada, then turned off on the quieter B44.  I took a break at a supermarket just after I turned off.  Good thing.  It was the start of the first climb.  It was gentle and I had no problem doing it, but I was surprised at how long it went on.  

Beautiful tree with red blooms
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More tea plantations
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I really loved these flowers
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I was stopped taking a quick break and this man approaches and stops next to me and just stares at me. I decided to snap his picture without even asking. I believe he was asking for money too, but it wasn't in English.
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Oh dear. This doesn't look good.
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Perhaps this was what the sign was referencing? I'm not overly impressed by the bolts holding this structure together. I feels like a landslide waiting to happen despite their efforts.
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Dogs are always laying on the shoulder, the road. This dog is smart. He's got a head rest! The good thing about them lazing about is they rarely give chase.
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Beautiful flowers ahead! What a great sight to see!
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Bill ShaneyfeltMaybe cosmos. Looks like what my mom grew back in the 1960s.

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1 year ago
More of my other favorite. Such a vibrant blue/purple
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Bill ShaneyfeltMorning glory. They are everywhere!

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1 year ago
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A local carrying wood on her head! Impressive!
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I finally found a place with cold water and these kids were so cute as they watched every move I made. I rested at the top of the hill as I was about to go down. Perfect.
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Umm, excuse me. You are in my lane. Then again, you have horns. You win. Speaking of horns. Incessant non-stop honking all day long by every vehicle on the road.
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They are frequently beeping as they round corners or passing people.  I, in particular, get a lot of beeps pretty much saying hello as they scream out the tuk tuk as they pass me.  Oh, and yes, the buses are the worst.  They just lay on the horn if people aren't getting out of their way fast enough.  Sometimes trucks or buses blast the horn way to close to my ear.  Still can catch me off guard and I have sworn at them more than once.

The B44 route rejoins the  main roads at the city of Bandarawela.  Also conveniently on the corner is a Cargills Food City Grocery Store.  I was getting pretty tired after my last climb so a longer break was in order.  For some reason, I was disoriented about which way to turn.  I of course went the wrong way.  I asked someone and they said back the way I had came.  Only a couple of blocks because I was watching my progress on the map to get oriented.  I get back to the main intersection and a tuk-tuk driver comes by and points the way to Ella.  He obviously had heard me.  He points me up a bit of a side road with a steep, I had to walk hill.  Google maps is in agreement, but I'm wondering why I am not taking the main road.  I ride a little further and am greeted with a stupid steep hill.  I think about going back, but if I'm wrong, I have to go up the other hill again.  I start pushing and the hill was so steep I could barely push my bike up it.  Lots of school girls coming by in their white dresses/uniforms and one girls said from across the street, "I can help you."  So sweet, but I was almost at the top so I declined.

I soon started the long descent I had seen on the maps.  Some guy totally pulled out in front of me making me come to a complete stop.  I won't tell you what I had to say to him.  It wasn't nice and I was hot and tired.

I knew there was one more climb into Ella, but it too was longer than I though.  By now, I'm feeling pretty wiped and am taking more frequent rest breaks even though it's a gentle climb.

The final gentle climb into Ella. At least it's nice cycling.
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I made it!
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I make my way to Ceylon House By Sunrise Guesthouse.  It had great reviews, but my room was a little disappointing although large.  The guy however was really friendly and helpful.  

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Ella is the most touristy place I've seen.  So many foreigners.  It was nice because at least I blended in.  It's main street is restaurant central, but I just grabbed a wrap to take back to my hotel.  It's been a long day.  My hotel in on a street that goes up to the famous Nine Arches Bridge and Little Adams hike.  It's on a slope that is manageable.   A lot of the guesthouses here are on incredibly steep hills.  You've been warned.   I checked a couple of other places out and am moving next door tomorrow to a much nicer place.  

I may have grabbed one of these too. Heaven!
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Today's ride: 37 miles (60 km)
Total: 1,128 miles (1,815 km)

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