December 31, 2021
December 31st
not far
We bought the leather sofas from IKEA about 15 years ago and it's no surprise that they're both on their way out, sagging and uncomfortable, with the one we use most having got a couple of rips in the seat.
What to do: Replace or repair?
There's an upholsterer just at the end of the road, so Debbie takes a photo with her phone to show the guy and hopefully get some idea of what he can do and how much it'll cost. It's a couple of minutes away on the bikes and we'll pass him anyway on our way to somewhere to have our overdue lunch.
We wear jackets over a couple of layers.
The upholsterer looks at the photo and he and Debbie engage in a lengthy confab, which I don't understand. The bottom line is it'll cost about US$1,000 to redo the two sofas, but he'll only use leather on the seats, with the rest done in some kind of vinyl.
Why he can't just redo the seats is a mystery and I'd rather buy new ones - preferably made of wicker. The old one I spotted plonked outside the other day is something I may go back and ask about. It looked to be in decent condition.
In fact my plan earlier this morning was to visit a wicker furniture shop on the other side of town, but it's very windy and cold, so we decide to just see how we feel once we've had lunch. Debbie wants noodles and there's a place she likes just a minute's ride away.
It's a typical local diner that sells friend rice and various other inexpensive Chinese dishes, including noodles. The front sliding door is wide open as usual and the space is the size of a living room and accommodates half a dozen tables. The floor is grey Terrazzo, done in large squares, and is probably 50 years old, but it's looks to be hardly worn and will likely outlast the building. The tables are an assortment and most of the stools are handmade bamboo ones, but we're sat on plastic ones at a table near the entrance. A large calendar on the wall nearest the kitchen reminds us it's the last day of the year and on an adjacent wall, mounted right near the ceiling, are a few old, framed photos, including a black and white portrait of Sun Yat-sen, the Chinese leader credited - slightly erroneously - with creating the Republic of China. He's known in Taiwan by the Nationalists as The Father of the Nation and his face still adorns the NT$100 note/bill.
After our meals, we decide coffee is needed. There are places near the university, which isn't far away.
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We veer down the first side street and I soon spot a cheap bike outside a blue roller door. This colour must be mandatory here, as all small commercial vehicles are painted the same. Us foreigners simply refer to them as blue trucks and the drivers can be some of the most discourteous. I'm using polite vocabulary.
We ride closer to the ring road and approach the campus and I suggest to Debbie that we try the coffee shop hidden down the rabbit warren that we failed to find the other day. She nods in agreement.
It's cold out here. The wind is cutting and our fingers are feeling its effect.
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3 years ago
The place I thought was the coffee shop isn't it and it's only after we make our way down a passage that's only just wide enough for our bikes that we find it. I remember seeing the window at the end. It's a nice one and I take a snap this time.
Someone's painted 19-2 next to the window in the haphazard style you sometimes see here and my guess is it's likely done after confusion with mail delivery or whatever, when the home owner has grabbed the nearest brush and gone to work in a fit of pique and exasperation.
The cafe is busy and looks trendy and young woman inside says it's actually full and there won't be a table available for a couple of hours. Who'd have thought.
We ride a few blocks to Louisa and are happy to see the table against the window is free. I get a wedge of chocolate gateau.
The wicker furniture shop is a no-no today. It's too cold. We can go next year.
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3 years ago
Today's ride: 5 km (3 miles)
Total: 1,102 km (684 miles)
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