December 31, 2023
FINALLY, Some Snow
But Not the 2-inches Promised By the Weatherman on Channel 5
"Neither snow nor ice nor cold nor gloom of early sunset shall keep me from the completion of my appointed bike tour."
I kind of like that quote. It's the official motto of at least one Minnesota bike tourist. And it's true, none of those things will stop him . . . but something else might. MIGHT. Please have patience while I over-elaborate.
I once was a pretty adventurous outdoor adventurer. I set goals and doggedly pursued achieving them. That determination extended to my first few bike tours too. Short of a broken body or a broken bike, I vowed there would be no acceptable excuse for not completing what I set out to do.
More recently, however, I seem to find all kinds of excuses. I cut one tour short because of a family health crisis. I cut another one short due to my not wanting to face 600 more miles of high heat on the Great Plains when I already had serious sunburn and horribly chapped lips. I canceled one bike trip and delayed another one because of Covid. I even cut out an excursion into North Dakota on my way back home from Winnipeg, Manitoba because--get this--I thought the state would be boring and anticlimactic. Earlier this year, I shortened my tour of Minnesota's least desirable sector because of a sore shoulder and several lesser excuses. Of course, there is my ongoing excuse about taking shorter, more local tours so I can take my 88-year-old dad to medical appointments in Iowa.
It's no wonder I lost a "follower" sometime in the three months between the end of the Minnesota wasteland journal and the start of this one. I get it. Who wants to follow a quitter? Considering the excuses, the bad jokes, and the constant bragging in my journals, un-following me was probably a pretty wise decision.
I don't spend a whole lot of time worrying about such statistics as followers, hit counts, and hearts, but that's not to say I don't pay ANY attention to them. Today, I noticed somebody else came on board at some point and brought me back up to the magic number of 44 followers. Thank you, #44 for joining in.
Speaking of the heart ratings, I don't deserve as many as I get. That's especially true for the photos. I mean, there are some pretty damn fine photographers here on Cycleblaze. I am not one of them. I know it and you know it. I use a cell phone for god's sake. And I shoot pictures from the hip. Save your hearts for those who are more deserving. Thank you.
I think now would be a good time for a commercial break. Like I said before, the big money is in celebrity endorsements, not bike touring journals.
Before the tire ad, you might remember I was writing about my excuse-making. I had also hinted at the possibility of not being able to live up to the Minnesota Bike Tourist's Motto.
Here's the thing: I'm still preparing for my first January bike tour--as mini as it may be--but now a wrench had been thrown into the works. I was at my dad's house for the holidays. The visit involved taking him to the emergency room . . . twice. Once for severe chest pains, and once for excessive bleeding after biting his tongue. (He's on blood thinners.) His health, as well as his memory, are rapidly deteriorating. It's becoming clear to my brothers and I that he can no longer live at home alone. I don't think he has a lot of time left. Unless he rebounds, my January dream tour may be in jeopardy. The good news is that he has rebounded many times in the past. He's an even Tougher Guy than me.
As if my dad's problems weren't enough, The Feeshko's mom had a heart attack yesterday. She's stable now (she's a Tough Gal) but she'll be in the hospital for a few days. The Feeshko will be flying out to Spokane in the next couple of days.
I haven't given up on sneaking in a couple of days for a January mini-tour. With that in mind, I took another acclimatization ride today. We got a little bit of snow last night. It wasn't as much snow as expected, but in these El Nino times, you've got to take what you can get. Here are a few pictures.

Heart | 8 | Comment | 2 | Link |

Heart | 4 | Comment | 0 | Link |

Heart | 9 | Comment | 8 | Link |
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Heart | 0 | Comment | 2 | Link |
1 year ago
That's all I've got for this year. I hope 2024 is the year that provides you with everything you've ever dreamed of. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Today's ride: 9 miles (14 km)
Total: 55 miles (89 km)
Rate this entry's writing | Heart | 15 |
Comment on this entry | Comment | 29 |
By the way, my hearts are for good photos and other things as well. Like amusing captions, interesting information, a place I like, the fun the person is having and much more. And sometimes I don't give hearts because I'm feeling lazy.
Best wishes for your dad and Feeshko's mom.
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Happy new year to you and yours from me and mine. And my best wishes for your dad and mother-in-law. It fell to my sister to find a care home for my mom when her memory had gone. It ain’t easy, but you and your brothers will do the best you can. Tough guys find a way.
The Feeshko has a different road to travel, but she will be fine. She’s got lots of practice looking after you, after all. As we would say here Bon Courage et meilleurs vœux.
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We went through that in October with my wife's mother, who had turned 95 eight weeks earlier. As late as 1 October she still seemed relatively healthy but four weeks later she was gone.
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Also, you wrote; "Short of a broken body or a broken bike, I vowed there would be no acceptable excuse for not completing what I set out to do." I do understand that sentiment, and it pretty much mirrors my own philosophy of bike touring. But taking care of family is certainly a higher priority than finishing a bike tour - maybe it's the ONLY higher priority, but it's certainly a big one. Best wishes,
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