DAY FOUR: Lake Rebecca Ice Camp to Hastings Inn Honeymoon Suite - Not My First Frozen Rodeo - CycleBlaze

January 20, 2024

DAY FOUR: Lake Rebecca Ice Camp to Hastings Inn Honeymoon Suite

The BIG Day

'Twas a BIG day, a magical day, a made-in-fairytale-heaven-day for our bike touring couple. 'Twas a wedding day.   'Twas also a sub-zero day when they awakened on their own private acre of lake ice.  'Twas a day they rolled over and went back to sleep because the only important thing that had to be accomplished was getting to the church on time.

[I don't know what possessed me to use the contraction, 'twas,' so many times in one paragraph.  I can only surmise it was some kind of ghostly Shakespearean aspiration that took over my normal sense of writing for the common man.] 

The second time they woke up, the sun was shining through their paper tent.  Panic set in.  They looked at their phones and realized they only had an hour to pack up their tent & gear and race mostly uphill--for 17- cartoon-miles--to Roadside Park.  That's where they had planned to meet the high priest of the Church of the Great Outdoors for their wedding ceremony.

A look back at part of their route
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Another shot looking over G-2's handlebars
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Scott AndersonG-2 should wear gloves in these conditions! I thought he was smarter than that, but then I guess there’s not much room for grey matter in a 2-D head.
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1 year ago
Gregory GarceauTo Scott AndersonAs written a couple days ago, cartoon characters are impervious to the cold. Hence, this authentic photo of G-2's bare hands. See how I pre-plan these things?
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1 year ago
Karen PoretTo Gregory GarceauBare hands or Bear paws? The pink color actually appears your fingers are 1) dipped in pepto-bismol, or 2) coated in candle wax. The candle wax effect would possibly keep those appendages warmer except when your body temperature actually rises and it melts..Oh, oh..
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1 year ago

They were only 20-minutes late when they arrived at Roadside Park.  Doris and G-2 considered that to be "fashionably late."  The priest had a different view of the tardiness.  He was shivering and thought to himself,"those cartoon characters are damn lucky I didn't ride off and leave them on their own to find a Lutheran or Methodist or Scientology or Jehovah's Witness minister to provide a last-minute wedding.  Good luck on that!"


Within a couple minutes, everybody calmed down and got into place for the ceremony.  It was a wedding that befitted a couple of bike touring superstars.

The setting was perfect.  Located in the gazebo of a city park frequented by homeless people, it could not have been more romantic.  

The bride looked stunning in her pure white Yves St. Laurent wedding dress.  Well, it was a knock-off, made by a dude named Iver Saint Larry.  Close enough.

 The groom was dashing in his Armani-like lycra, which he purchased at the Goodwill store for $10.75.

Add to that, a semi-professional videographer was on hand.  Speaking of hands, his hands were colder than the priest's face, which was pretty bloody cold.  Even so, the video guy did a pretty good job of filming the beautiful event.  Check it out!

The professional videographer/photographer missed the actual kiss by a second.
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Lednar De NallohNever heard the word 'Groovy' in a wedding vow before. I think you would make a great wedding celebrant.
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1 year ago
Gregory GarceauTo Lednar De NallohIf you and Tracy are thinking of repeating your wedding vows, I will incorporate any word you want into the ceremony.
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1 year ago

After paying the exorbitant fees charged by the videographer and the Church of the Great Outdoors priest, Doris and G-2 only had $55 left to their name.  That wasn't even enough to pay for a night in Hastings' cheapest, dingiest motel.

It was a sad scene, but the ending wasn't sad.  The priest took pity and returned his $5 fee.  After seeing that, the videographer did the same thing.  Thank the God of the Church of the Great Outdoors, our heroic couple now had enough money to score the "Honeymoon Suite" at the Hastings Inn. 

The luxurious Hastings Inn. (Judge's Appliances paid no promotional money for this photo.)
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G-2 carried his bride over the threshold--a wedding day tradition.
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The next couple hours were private time for the two cartoon newlyweds.  After that, they took a timed picture which they were willing to share.  It showed them enjoying their favorite activity (except for bike riding.)  They love watching cartoons on TV.

They couldn't stop laughing when every one of Sylvester the Cat's attempts to capture the mouse totally backfired on him.
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Lednar De NallohSylvester the cat, one of my favs
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1 year ago
Gregory GarceauTo Lednar De NallohThe poor guy is right up there with Wile E. Coyote, Elmer Fudd, and Inspector Clouseau in the category of hapless chasers of lovable cartoon characters.
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1 year ago
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Today's ride: 2 miles (3 km)
Total: 90 miles (145 km)

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Rachael AndersonI wish we had thought of the vows they used!
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1 year ago
Emily SharpI love your paper outfit, Doris, just like we used to create as kids. I suppose I'm a bit disappointed in your easy agreeance to marriage, however. It is always sad to see women dependent on a partner - it's so yesterday. I hope you can continue solo adventures and maintain your financial independence should external forces whip G-2 away some day. You never know where you'll encounter heavy winds in life. Invest in ETFs in your own name - low risk, good gains.

On another note, you cannot go wrong with accommodation providers who will also sell you whitegoods. I hope they had a free laundry room there.
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1 year ago
Karen PoretEmily: you are just like your last name: sharp! :)
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1 year ago
Gregory GarceauTo Emily SharpThanks for the investment advice, Emily. And don't worry, I won't be dependent on G-2, that's for sure. Both of us, however, are dependent on a different guy (G-2's human alter-ego) for money transportation, housing, etc.
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1 year ago