D1: 后沙峪 → 固安 - Autumn Allegro in Asia - CycleBlaze

September 18, 2024

D1: 后沙峪 → 固安

I've never seen this symbol before. Means "cars and bikes may share the lane but bikes have priority"
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When I left O & A's this morning, Beijing rush hour was just starting. So, even if I hadn't already planned to take a sharebike for some large portion of today, there was no way I was going to The Beijinger other than by bike. 

Sure, it happened to be over 20km¹, but the efforts to "civilize" traffic that have been going on elsewhere in the country have also been going on here and have been going on just as aggressively and I think barely 1 in every 1,000 two wheelers I saw was driving the wrong way or doing something equally stupid, and the cars weren't even darting into the bike lanes at all².

Technically, he's over into my lane, but there's roadworks (under construction viaduct above) and they're a bit squeezed
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Obviously, the Greenway doesn't want bikes
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Other than being from 1872 (Guangxu 18), I didn't try to read it
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Spent at least an hour chatting with Dan from the Beijinger while sucking down a very welcome, very cold, and very perfect combination of sugar, fats, and caffeine in the form of a Mocha Java Chip Frappacino³.

From there, it was only a little over 10km by bike to the Foreign Languages Press or 2km + subway + 2km, so—of course—I rode that too.

Not really wanting to keep with the AliBike now that I had added two somewhat heavy books to my bag, I planned to take the subway. But, a 3:30pm lunch stop⁴ on my way to the subway ended up turning in to an Emergency Work Break with my Hainan Media Client. And, by the time I was near the subway, rush hour had started again. 

I have so many questions
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Only Beijing-plated cars are allowed past this point
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Cosplay in Hanfu is quite popular these days
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So I biked the 15km to the express train back to Daxing.

53km on sharebikes.

And then, because I really really really wanted to actually start my Tour today, even though it was already dark by the time I got to the hotel where I'd left my bike, I got my bike, changed into one of my new pairs of bike shorts and a jersey that is old enough to vote and did another 20km on my bike.

Having seen a substantial percentage of the scenery when I bussed out to the bike shop two days before, I didn't really miss that much by doing it in the dark. 

As well, although the mid-tier local police have called back in response to my government hotline complaint asking me to both explain the problem and what I'd like done about it⁵, she clearly had no idea what I was talking about, and even if she sounded rattled by the sheer weight of the document number⁶ that I knew, I also knew that the only place I was going to be about to stay hassle free in the immediate vicinity was the same very clean but inconvenient hotel I'd already spent three nights at. 

But I think their clothing is Qing
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Oi you dirty pigs, this area has 24 CCTV monitoring, and the public toilets are 30m away. No pissing or shitting.
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Billboards of Civility Enhancement
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Hebei wasn't promising no hassle. But, it was promising something different. The apps that aren't supposed to even list "takes or doesn't take foreigners" as a criteria anymore still do (that's another complaint for another time) and there were places in my desired price range, so I booked at one⁷ of those. 

I would have a little bit of a problem finding⁸ them when I got in, but 85y for a studio apartment with a mini washing machine and a front desk that knew what to do with a passport.


¹ 26km, once I stopped for a Sausage Egg McMuffin breakfast at McDonald's.

² I remember walking in the street rather than on the sidewalk, cause the traffic on the street was more predictable.

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At Caoqiao Station to go back to Daxing
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Entering Hebei
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³ Not something I usually go for on account of just how loaded it is with sugar†.

† This is not a 'diet' thing, nor is it a holier than thou ’I eat good' thing, I just don't like stuff that's that sweet.

⁴ Taco Bell, because I had to try it and see what it was like.

⁵ Look up the documents I've just told you about and issue a department wide notice that is forwarded to the local hotels and which says "we won't be telling you you can't take foreigners in the future."

⁶ 国发 [2024]5号 for the one I knew. 

Sometimes, even knowing you'll regret it, you still have to try
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No one is actually checking the vehicles leaving Beijing
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Traffic Polece
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⁷ Well ackshually, I booked in at one, then I realized I had booked in at the one at the farthest southern end of Gu'an, so I cancelled and booked in at another.

⁸ The signage wasn't as clear as I'd like for a place that requires you to go to the 8th floor of an apartment building, but the problem was mostly with the person reading the signage.

Today's ride: 73 km (45 miles)
Total: 126 km (78 miles)

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