D39: 大水坑 - Me China Red - CycleBlaze

May 24, 2021

D39: 大水坑

I'm not sure but this may be the first day this trip when the weather was perfectly cooperative regarding the potential to get out of bed and, instead, I said "nahhhhh, I'm going to call it a rest/work day".

Every day in Part One where I slept in until noon (or 5pm as the case may be) was a gray, nasty yuck that—more often than not—was also unpleasantly cold.

Today was not gray or nasty or yuck.

But I was sore and achy and tired and Large Media Client had sent me a file the night before with a morning due date, so I told them I'd be available all day and then earned myself ~10 days of travel expenses¹. I also got a decent chunk of the final chapter of the science fiction novel done.

With the exception of my not thinking to do laundry until it was definitely too late to be hopeful that the off-bike jeans would be dry, it was an astonishingly productive day. 


¹ Spitballing numbers and ignoring the fact that I've got fixed expenses like rent or Tyra's salary.

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