I'm specifically providing maps as screenshots rather than as zoomable maps (like RideWithGPS or Strava) because the Chinese GPS offset means that where I actually was will not display correctly other than as a screenshot taken from a device/software pairing that has the various anti-obfuscation algorithms.
I will, of course, ignore a large portion of my route planning in favor for on-the-fly changes but it's still important to have made advance plans to ignore.
For anyone who would like to see my multilayered Google Map, the link is at https://drive.google.com/open?id=1AOQoOv29Qo0yieqXAmdc0Lh7He743B9S&usp=sharing. It includes every place I've slept while on tour, proposed routes, places of interest that I may or may not visit, dates of visits on places of interest, and more.
It does not include the route planning for the Epic 2021 Amsterdam to Haikou trip that I'll be doing for my 40th birthday because that was too many layers.
I just want to say, Hong Kong mountains are cray-cray. Also, while the views on Lantau are nice, they aren't nice enough to really justify intentionally riding over that bastard of a col on the way to or from the bridge or the airport.