I had brushed my teeth and taken out my contact lenses by 7 PM last night. I was done in. I gave Jacinto the computer to watch a Netflix movie on and I went to sleep. He warned me that was a bad idea, I'd be wide awake at midnight. I agreed that was possible, but I was sleepy anyway. Luckily, I slept a half hour and woke up again.
This morning Jacinto was the first to wake up. 4 AM isn't my favorite time to get up. It's just what I have to do to beat the heat. It was 51 degrees here this morning. It's about 5,000 feet elevation here. I should be able to start riding later than 5 AM tomorrow.
I took a shower this morning in our outdoor shower. Jacinto thought I was nuts. So did I! The water temperature seemed better than yesterday.
Today we have to change lodging. Neither place had an opening for both nights. That's unfortunate on a rest day. Beth, here at the cabin, has offered us her car to drive to Alma (5 miles each way) so we can eat at the only open restaurant in the area. I think we will have to eat brunch and then buy something for dinner later.
I have never ever had a rest day both before and after a big climb. The only reason we did that was killing time to hit Navajo Nation on a weekday. I think I can get used to this. Riding an easy day after a hard day is not so bad, but we have two more big climbing days coming up.
Crystals in the window are reflected on the ceiling of our cabin.
This is a hardy lotus. It's growing at 5,000 feet. Beth says she has to chop all of the lotus back every spring, they are prolific. But you have to have a pond for them to grow in.
We are in New Mexico now. New COVID rules. This restaurant was strange. The sign on the door says workers need to wear masks. I didn't see a mask in sight. Regular menus, china plates, regular cutlery, salt and pepper, etc. But two family groups came in while we were there and they weren't allowed to push tables together, only tables of four were allowed. It seemed to me to be a regular number of tables in the small restaurant. It was full of tables and people both.
I don't think there are a lot of people currently traveling. Our business seems really appreciated. Beth at the B&B said things are just starting to pick up and she really depends on the income.