Touring on foot-Sirmione - 🇮🇹 Cycle Cruise Cycle 🇵🇹 - CycleBlaze

May 27, 2024

Touring on foot-Sirmione

I decided that 7 days in a row with a good climb on my last ride was enough.  I took a day off the bike and took the ferry to the old part of Sirmione that is on a peninsula in Lake Garda.  The village dates back to 1AD and was a summer resort for the rich of Verona.  It has been occupied by many over the centuries.  It is one of the most popular spots on the lake so the crowds were large and I suspect in the summer they are massive.  The 2 museums were closed because it is Monday so I just wandered about and had lunch.  Once back at the hotel I had a well deserved massage and packed for my departure tomorrow.

A view of the castle from the ferry.
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Ruins at the point of the peninsula, unfortunately the museum was closed so I don’t know the whole story.
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The castle once on land
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Another view across one of the waterways.
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A monument in a local garden. I haven’t yet figured out the meaning but it looks like refugees in a boat.
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There were lots of gelato shops. This is only a third of the offerings.
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Another way to ride a bike.
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Gail JohnsonLooks like an aqua spinning class!
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3 months ago
A front on view of the castle, also closed today.
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Mont Baldo from the ferry.
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The ferry ride back. The red circle shows where I went.
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Gail JohnsonLooks like a lovely journey and good that you finally got some nice weather. Several of your photos had some blue skies too. Enjoy the next leg of your journey and give regards to Hilary and Christopher.
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3 months ago