Rainy morning afternoon ride - 🇮🇹 Cycle Cruise Cycle 🇵🇹 - CycleBlaze

May 21, 2024

Rainy morning afternoon ride

We woke up this morning to serious rain that had started last night and carried on into the morning.  I contemplated taking the train to Brescia but to do it justice I would need the whole day and there was a ride in the afternoon once the rain stopped.  Instead, I was a very good girl and went to the gym at the hotel.  I worked out for 1 hour and 20 minutes with 50 minutes of stretching which for me is a world record 😇.

The sun came out this afternoon so we had a lovely casual ride south of the lake in the countryside, so a lot less traffic.  We had 4 new arrivals from the eastern townships join us but I must say I fear for their safety.  They all can ride a bike but they have no concept of how to cycle especially in a group in traffic.  If one of them does not crash and be injured while here I will be shocked.  They were all over road, failed to pass on signals, passed fellow riders without any warning, and just blindly followed the guides through intersections without even looking.  I plan to stay well away from them.

I used this app recommended by sister Deb. It is very good. I completed 3 different 15 minute sessions followed by some rolling of my sore muscles.
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Today’s ride adjusted slightly due to the rain so only 54km.
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This area was the land of castles. This tower is from one of them.
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The Gonzaga palace in Volta Montovana.
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The Italian garden associated with the castle.
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This is the river and tower that is part of the Bardolino castle.
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Me today.
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Our little group riding below the Bardolino castle, dating back to the 1300s, now a popular tourist and wedding spot.
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Today's ride: 54 km (34 miles)
Total: 781 km (485 miles)

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Beth KavanaghIt's a neat picture of the ride below Bardolino Castle.
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4 months ago