Figuera to Sao Pedro - 🇮🇹 Cycle Cruise Cycle 🇵🇹 - CycleBlaze

June 12, 2024

Figuera to Sao Pedro

 We left Figueira this morning on the 9:10 ferry across the harbour.  The weather was perfect again and as usual the GPS track was spot on.  The were in and out of the coast and rode along another stretch that was devastated by fire within the last 10 years.  The good news about that is we could see the dunes and the ocean that would have otherwise been blocked by the trees.  We passed through a couple of small fishing villages to end finally in Sao Pedro for the night.   The route was the hilliest thus far but still not difficult.  We have also been  lucky enough to have the prevailing NW winds pushing us along 90% of the time.  The only way to do this ride is north to south not the other way around.

The route today
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The profile
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The castle and lighthouse guarding the harbour.
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Gail JohnsonLove the bather - is that you? 😉
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2 months ago
There was serious construction on the bridge today so we were redirected to this cute little ferry to take us the 1km across the harbour. It is all electric ferry.
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A real fishing boat complete with a dory coming in from the ocean.
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Our bikes were tied up just in case.
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Once off the ferry we had short ride along this boardwalk in the dunes.
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A last look at Figuera.
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Gail JohnsonWhat a lovely view of Figuera
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2 months ago
We have been riding the Portugal section of Eurovelo 1.
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This is a map of all of Eurovelo 1 with all of its parts.
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No we did not ride up that duen
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We saw one of these Eurasian Hoopees flying by today.
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Another beach town through which we passed.
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There are many of these fitness stations all over Portugal and other European countries so we stopped to give it a try.
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Kevin and Tim
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Me too
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These are snails. The bushes were infested with them.
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Into a new parish.
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Approaching Sao Pedro our stop for tonight.
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Another shot
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Me with the lighthouse at the end of the ride.
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A view of the coast line at 7:30 PM local time.
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Sunset tonight
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Today's ride: 62 km (39 miles)
Total: 198 km (123 miles)

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