Busy day - 🇮🇹 Cycle Cruise Cycle 🇵🇹 - CycleBlaze

June 5, 2024

Busy day

Today was a vey full day.  H, C, and I started the morning with a stretch routine something we have done every morning, 😇.  After breakfast we went to the Cõa Valley museum to see some replicas of rock sketches.  The real ones are still in place down in the valley and only accessible by 4X4.  These etching date back to the paleolithic period aka 30,000 years ago.  Once back on the ship we had a wonderful bbq except for the sardine part.  We were even serenaded by the crew with a Portuguese fold song.  The afternoon included a demonstration on port cocktails while sailing the Douro until dinner which was off the ship at a port making vineyard.

Today’s schedule
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The trunk of a live cork tree.
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The Douro River from the museum on the top of a hill.
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The other direction.
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In the museum.
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Bull like creatures are well represented in the carvings.
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My Palaeolithic man.
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Gail JohnsonYou make a lovely couple!
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3 months ago
Hilary with her sardine at the bbq lunch, not me.
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Gail JohnsonYummy - nothing like a delish bbq sardine! Bob says that is just not for him. Enjoy.
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3 months ago
The crew performing at lunch.
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Cocktail recipe, Hilary tried this one.
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The other one that Christopher and I tried.
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Our bartender
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Hilary enjoying her white port cocktail
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Gail JohnsonLove the smile Hilary - you must really being enjoying that cocktail.
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3 months ago
Another view down the river this afternoon as we head back to Porto.
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The location for our evening dinner
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The name of the vineyard that was run by a woman.
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Small oak barrels containing tawny port.
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Cradling my new purchase of some white port that we had upon arrival.
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Gail JohnsonThat looks more like an award, not a bottle of port. Nice photo inside the barrel, very well done.
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3 months ago
My purchase.
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Lamego at night.
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