Day D8D: A Yacht Party to Remember - Caucasian - CycleBlaze

Day D8D: A Yacht Party to Remember

After that immensely fruitful and productive session with the life coach I was off to Barry's for my last class.  The life coach made sure to say, "Please share testimonials and post reviews on social media"  I assured her I would do that then we kept in contact for future online sessions which will likely be needed.

I found a taxi to Dubai Marina and it was one of the best rides ever.  Now that it was only 37 degrees and under 50% humidity it was no longer needed anyway, I could have biked it.  But time was against me.  

Unfortunately on arrival the taxi driver tried to scam me.  I used my credit card and saw the checkmark that said 'transaction approved' then double checked with my bank app.  He showed me something else that said 'connection error' and told me "The transaction didn't go through, do you have 100 dirhams cash?"  I told him I did not and suspected he was lying so I memorized his government ID number.  He said, "Your bank will refund you for this in 24 hours.  Please don't use the card again, just give me cash."  I smelled a rat.  I said, "Sure I'll do it your highness."  Since he dropped me off at the Crowne Plaza, both the taxi driver and the hotel concierge got into a long discussion.  I pretended to ask where the ATM was.  The conicerge said, "Just take the elevator down to B1".  When the elevator arrived I was in front of the Thai restaurant where I was yesterday night for a failed job interview.  I immediately recognized the waitress and gave her a wai greeting.   We spoke a bit in Thai then I ran off into the night.

I was nevous as fuck because this whole thing brought back memories of early 2018 in Tijuana when something similar happened and the police found me.  At that time I got arrested and spent a night in jail.  I was scared this could happen again so made haste to the yacht party then nervously waited until they gave me the boarding pass and I checked into the yacht along with everybody else.

Once there I recognized the server from Nigeria who was the same one from the previous warmup yacht yesterday.  We talked a lot and I said, "Thanks so much for your service, I will give you a 5 star Google review."  What did she say next, she said "We're EXPECTING that."  Ok then, a review it is.  She was amazing, she deserves it.

Later on I found a seat by the table to put my drinks on and staked my territory.  Two drop dead gorgeous girls from Azerbaijan also wanted that location and I tried to make some small talk at first.  Unfortunately I fumbled big time.  My reaction to the initial conversation made me realize I didn't stand a chance with them all night.  To be fair they were unbelievably snotty but it was my facial expression and the way I reacted that revealed several things.  One, they could tell I was attracted to them and were certainly going to use that as leverage.  Two, even if I wanted to I would have to go through the boyfriend or husband of both of them most likely who was clearly in control.  Three, it was the way that one of them said 'Azerbaijan' that I had to catch myself and not say anything more about what I'm doing on this trip and especially my travel plans.

With that resolved I gave up my table location and found somewhere else near the bar.  The plan was to ration the alcoholic drinks very slowly over time and combine that with food and water.  I made friends with two people from Iran, an optometrist and a medical doctor.  I joked with the doctor and said, "Good thing we have a doctor on this ship who can save us all.  I noticed there aren't any life jackets on this yacht."  He then said, knowing I was a math teacher, "I'm going to need to rely on you after we get drunk because I won't be able to calculate for shit."

We then started dancing and things gradually got out of control.  This was the most epic moment of the trip.  Here we were dancing on a yacht on this warm summer night in Dubai with a great group of people and the DJ turned the music to this song again.

Tonight I want all of you tonight

Give me everything tonight

For all we know we might not get tomorrow

Let's do it tonight

It was a now or never moment to dance with these Azeri girls so my Iranian doctor friend got along with the husband or boyfriend of those girls and I joined him, then yes we all danced as a group.   

Later on I told the optometrist what I was up to and my travel plans and he said that Armenia is famous for red wine and he goes there all the time.  Lucky bastard that he is, he can travel freely to both Armenia or Azerbaijan any time he wants.  As for me I have to pick and choose very carefully.  I already picked sides so that's why I had to shut my fucking mouth.  And this isn't even to mention the fact that I'm not allowed into Iran with my passport.  He did say a lot of amazing things about his country that made me wish it was possible.  Such as for example there are multiple nation groups inside the country like Arab, Kurdish, Turkish, Persian, and many others he told me that I forgot.

I then told him about how I fumbled with the girls and he said, "Don't worry about it brother.  You were smart to handle it the way you did." He gave me a big thumbs up.  Life would be so much better if we could forget about geopolitics and just party on a yacht.  So with that resolved, I had many more drinks and just let loose.

As the partying continued and the yacht started swaying in the seas, I was able to easily keep my balance.  Then all of a sudden I quickly understood the connection between fitness and partying.  If you do one very well, you can easily do the other.  In this case, dancing actively all night is a test of strength, agility, and endurance.  More specifically you need core strength and balance especially which comes from doing multiple plank holds, side planks, pushups, situps, single leg deadlifts, isolated balance bicep curls, and all sorts of various unilateral weight work.  Put all this together, when you have studios like Orange Theory, F45, and Barry's that teach you all these exercises over many years and some of these studios you can't tell the difference from a nightclub anyway, the connection is totally obvious:  fitness and partying are one and the same.

No wonder the amazing coach at Barry's earlier said, even though she was a sadist, "Listen guys, you can tell from my voice that I can't talk anymore after that party last night.  That's why I'm only going to say this once and not repeat it three times.  So put away your fucking dumbbells and face the mirror, we will do 30 seconds of commandos  (high plank to low plank), 30 seconds of high plank hold, and 30 seconds of burpees timed with the treadmills when they do their progressive run ending with the sprint."  Then she forgot all about her hoarse voice and screamed at the top of her lungs when the treadmills were on the sprint and told us, "Burpees!!!  Let's go!!!!"

Time was flying by much faster than I even imagined.  I needed a food break and the Filipino chef was amazing.  We talked back and forth and I explained that Manila was great except for the fucking traffic.  He said, "Why you only go there?  You should go to Palawan."  I then told about my ex girlfriend and how I broke up with her and he said, "Good call, you did it right.  But I can see now you're also going through a lot and have a lot on you mind.  Extra pasta on the house for you sir".  I thanked him and devoured that pasta.  

While I was doing so, my Iranian doctor friend came into the AC area and said, "What the fuck man, why are you down here?  Come join us back on deck" to which I later did.  The captain of the ship wisely found some shelter in a calmer area and we just partied and danced there before he turned the ship around and we docked again.  I then said goodbye to everyone I met and took a taxi back to the Airbnb.  It was a party to remember.

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