Last day of prep - High Maintenance - 6 Week Carretera Austral - 2024 - CycleBlaze

January 19, 2024

Last day of prep

Tomorrow is the day we start, today was last minute getting what we called the 4 B’s.  Buns for lunch on the first day,  battery - USB charger for IPhone , bank for extra pesos, cash is king , and beverage .. real latte or cappuccino. Remember my powder milk picture… can hardly wait. NOT 

Hard to bring bread from home hahaha.. we could have brought USB charger however some you can’t fly with so better to buy local. 

This entry will be more for others to get tips and for me to remember stuff 

Load the following apps

Komoot.       Route planning, it is so cool to see elevation and know which way to turn. The app is great for hiking and cycling. It’s free will check upgraded version too 

Windy.          Weather wind and rain. This is a must to see what headwinds you will face and rain that is on its way. When tenting good to know to decide hostel and dry or putting up a tent in the rain.

IOverlander. Wild camping locations. Great when you want to sleep with bears, coyotes or wolves. I’ll take a Squirrel, not something that will make me their appetizer.

Determine how many days we will ride till there is a store.  Remember stores go bankrupt and may actually not be there.  

Enough food till you get to next store. (We have 4 emergency dehydrated meals). 

We have water filter and backup water treatment pills. 

Carry enough local currency to get you to the next major city with ATM. 

On occasion we will camp in a farmers front yard and they definitely don’t accept visa.  

Build the route in Komoot, and use Windy to see the winds and rain. 

We also have to plan the battery lives of our stuff and we are carrying lots of stuff. 

  1. Two iPhones
  2. 4 90kw E batteries, these are for the swytch .., not an e-bike just a front wheel. We will cover these in a later post and give you feedback on how good they were. 
  3. 1 Garmin watch
  4. 1 iPad
  5. 2 usb chargers (allow us to run phone 
  6. 1 solar panel that can charge from wall plug. Thanks Michele

Lots of stuff.  We will be into prioritizing what we use and what we don’t use when recharging isn’t an option for days. USB charger is stored in a waterproof bag by the handlebars with the cable sticking out to plug in the phone. David got these great iPhone holders so easy to see the screen when we ride. It rains and it all pops in the bag. We are lucky our route is basically one highway, how ever  never know when we do a side trip 

With food, water, Chilean Pesos on hand we turn on Komoot app, find the planned route and start the route and away we go.  

So far nothing forgotten we picked up extra fuel for the stove. You can’t bring that with you so make sure where you can get some if you are flying to your destination. It is hard to make hard boiled eggs when you can’t heat up the water.

I’m trying real hard to make sure we have real food so no need to eat the dehydrated meals …, however as a last resort better than tree bark. 

Last trip to the repair shop. A new kickstand for David. Also practicing riding in traffic with a loaded bike. For those of you doing this the first time, adding 50kbs even spread our makes cycling, can we say different. with this being my first touring trip being in traffic is quite a bit different
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Ernie CouillardDid anyone say Toilet paper 🧻 . Paper products are scarce in many parts of the world as well as remote areas..
Happy trails..
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1 year ago