Bar Harbor to Boston - CycleBlaze

Bar Harbor to Boston

By Robert Ewing
806 km (501 miles) over 634 days since Jul. 2, 2023
Augury heart 9
Introduction heart 3
Map heart 1
The Windup heart 34

On the road

Bangor heart 3
Bangor to Bar Harbor heart 10
Acadia National Park heart 33
Sand Beach & the Abbe Museum heart 15
Bar Harbor to Bucksport heart 7
Bucksport to Camdem heart 10
Camden to Edgecomb heart 7
Edgecomb to Freeport heart 18
Freeport to Kennebunk heart 0
Kennebunk ME to Exeter NH heart 0
Exeter to Nashua heart 11
Nashua to Lexington heart 11
Walden Pond heart 13
Lexington to Boston heart 0
Providencetown heart 19

End notes

Lost & Found heart 1