Tonnerre to Marmagne: Camera kaputt - Burgundy Buzz - CycleBlaze

May 29, 2022

Tonnerre to Marmagne: Camera kaputt

Today my camera gave up the ghost. So how come I still have pictures?

Where's your camera, Janos?
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Susan CarpenterJanos is indeed a kind and generous person. And I'm delighted that he gave up his camera so we all can enjoy your fabulous photographs.
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2 years ago

Janos and I were using the same model camera, a Samsung Nex 6. I got mine second hand and it was a little older than the one Janos was using. When it worked, it was as good as new. But it stopped working. Now you will hear what a magnanimous husband I have. He insisted that I take his and he would just use his cell phone, GoPro and Insta360 Go 2. As you can imagine, I would have been crushed to be without a camera for the final days of our trip. Thanks, Janos, you saved the trip for me! Besides, I probably would have been unbearable in a camera-less state. In a way,  it was in his own interest.

Today's ride was a hill framed by two stretches along the Canal de Bourgogne. As always, the canal paths were lovely, peaceful, paved (not 14 years ago, though), flat and if traveled in excess, boring. Today we took a shorter route and cut off one of the meanderings of the canal path, intending to stop and visit the chateau at Ancy-le-Franc.

Lovely roses everywhere, often filling the air with their delicious scent
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The flat beginning, straight as an arrow
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The ride over the hills was by far the prettiest part.
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Wonderful views
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Last time we were in Burgundy we stopped in Ancy-le-Franc but didn't look at the interior of the chateau because it was closed and we didn't feel like waiting two hours for it to re-open. It seemed to be a great loss to us then.

The chateau is an amazing Renaissance palace on the lands of the Dukes of Burgundy. One of the largest collection of Renaissance murals in France make Ancy-le-Franc a direct contender of the Fontainebleau chateau.

This time around we could have visited the interior but decided we didn't want to. I guess we aren't into must-see-sights as much as in younger years. We are now more interested in giving good roads and beautiful scenery priority over tracking down sights when planning our routes.

The Chateau Ancy-le-Franc
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Back to the canal
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Lock gate
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We rode by the Grande Forge de Buffon, which we did visit last time and it was indeed interesting. Today it was closed and we rode on.

La Grande Forge de Buffon
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In 1768, Georges-Louis LECLERC, Count of Buffon, built the most modern forge in the world at the time. The conception of this factory is a remarkable example of the Age of the Enlightenment.

Leaving the canal behind, we followed our route to the B&B La Cabotte where we had booked the night. A telephone call and our hostess was there in ten minutes. The house was in a peaceful setting, just a few old dogs and some cats to keep us company in the spacious garden.

At the gates of our Chambre d'Hôtes
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La Cabotte , a traditional stone outbuilding for storing tools, our room in the background
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The last task of the day was to find a place to eat. We decided on the Asian restaurant Kim Thanh, a few kilometers down the road. Now I know: Never set hungry cyclists in front of an all-you-can-eat buffet. I completely lost control. The sushi was great and, oh, all those desserts!

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Today's ride: 59 km (37 miles)
Total: 444 km (276 miles)

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Steve Miller/GrampiesWe always feel sorry for the all you can eat buffets when a crowd of cyclists descend on them. No making money with a hungry group and a buffet!
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2 years ago
ann and steve maher-wearyIt’s so true isn’t it. Sometimes we come to a place we should visit but instead we take a picture and keep going. We so enjoy being on our bikes, outside enjoying the day and the scenery.
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2 years ago
Rachael AndersonThanks Janos for giving your camera to Susan! Looks like you had a great day and the photos were great!
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2 years ago
Suzanne GibsonTo Rachael AndersonWell, he did have his GoPro! :)
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2 years ago
Rachael AndersonTo Suzanne GibsonGood point!
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2 years ago