September 9, 2015
Day 70: Hot Sulphur Springs to Silverthorne, CO; Hoosier Pass, I'm Coming For You
1.) You can leave a message for me by clicking on the comment icon towards the bottom of the page (you must be registered with the site, but it's quick and easy to do so). I enjoy getting messages from readers.
2.) Climbing Today: 2,887 ft -- Total So Far; 166,091 ft
3.) Average Speed While Biking Today: 9.9 mph
4.) Mechanical Issues Today: none
5.) miles Remaining to Canon City: about 182
6.) Miles Traveled to Date on This Half of the Journey: 1,818
7.) Money Found Today: 0
8.) Total Money Found: $1.10 (Will I find enough to buy a cup of coffee?)
9.) Current BAR (Bicycle Altitude Record): 9,683 feet, Willow Creek Pass
It was very cold this morning and my fingers were chilled after only a few minutes of riding. But it was mostly downhill to Kremmling, and I was thinking that would be a good place to stop for second breakfast. I told Harvey "I'm hungry. Let's roll on to Kremmling." Harvey replied "I'm hungry too, let's eat some pavement!" And we rolled off rather briskly.
I think I found out what they do with all the sawdust. They make pressed wood products with it.
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There was a bit of fog on the Colorado River this morning.
Right after I snapped the above picture, a fox crossed the road diagonally ahead of me with his back to me. He never saw me. I was rolling slow and reached for my camera while the bike was still rolling. But just then, a car came around the curve and the fox quickly scurried off into the bush. Oh well, there will be no fox photos today, so how about a duck instead.
I had a great breakfast in Kremmling at the Moose café and rolled on. These signs warning of road construction ahead were a bit frightening, since I really needed to take this road or else the detour would put me way behind schedule.
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The signs had warned of a potential 45 minute delay, but I had no choice other than to travel this road. The road was a bit rough, and I had to ride a lot in gravel.
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I was grateful for having equipped Harvey with 38mm tires, as the wider tires handled gravel and dirt conditions much better than skinnier road tires would have. There were 2 spots where the traffic was held up, and I was the first in line at the last one. Traffic was being stopped on both ends of a 1/4 mile section while work was being done in the middle forcing a 1-lane situation. The fellow holding the stop sign and I chatted a bit, and then he got a radio call from the gal on the other end who said that he should let his side go first. I told him to tell her that the crazy old guy on a bicycle would lead the way, and she laughed and said "Sure, why not." So when it was clear to go, I rolled off with a mile-long line of vehicles following me until we cleared the 1/4 mile work area and I could move over and let traffic pass. When I reached that point I pumped my fist in the air like someone winning a Tour de France stage. Yeah, life was just grand.
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I don't know, this just seemed a little fishy to me.
My route today traveled past the Green Mountain project.
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A very pretty lake it is.
And here's a shot of the embankment;
This road-cut through rock must have taken some effort.
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Here's a view from above looking down at the powerplant;
I had hoped that this store would be open, but I've learned to not rely on it and I always keep food with me now.
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Did you think you would get off without having to look at deer pics today? Wrong, here they are;
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I can usually get close to deer on the bike if I move slowly and don't make any quick motions with the camera. They don't consider me a threat as long as I'm not acting aggressively.
Here's a nice pastoral scene typical of the Colorado mountains;
My path continued upward into the mountains, and tomorrow I will (hopefully) cross Hoosier Pass.
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I ascended alongside the Blue River, a magnificent mountain stream.
Silverthorne was my destination for the night.
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I checked in at the Silver Inn and got some grub, then commenced planning for tomorrow's assault on Hoosier Pass. Hoosier Pass is the only significant obstacle I have remaining between me and the completion of my journey in Canon City. I'm coming for you, Hoosier Pass. I expect a hard fight, but in the end I will come out on top. All of the effort I have put into this journey boils down to tomorrow. I have to get over you, and I will do so. If I fall and break an arm, I will bike up using only 1 hand. If I fall and break a leg, I will make a crutch from an aspen branch and I will walk and push Harvey up the hill. It wouldn't be the first time I used an aspen branch for a crutch, not even the first time I had to do so in Colorado.
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I'm coming for you Hoosier Pass, and if you want to stop me you will have to kill me. I've got too much invested to be stopped at this point. I'm coming for you Hoosier Pass...
Today's ride: 59 miles (95 km)
Total: 4,174 miles (6,717 km)
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