First Ride of 2025 - From Bubbleland - CycleBlaze

First Ride of 2025

January 26, 2025: This was awfully late in the month for my first ride of the year. In my defense, weather here has been pretty bad lately, including a major ice storm that put a large limb on our roof, and which required the expensive removal of two large trees. We're still cleaning up smaller branches ourselves. It was a big mess.

It was chilly - in the 30s - with a brisk wind out of the north, but I didn't feel like working at my desk all day, despite multiple deadlines that I'm in danger of missing, so I put on my cold weather gear and rode the heavy Fargo out of the driveway. I decided to ride into town, something I don't usually do because of my dislike of traffic. It was Sunday, though, which meant that it was unlikely to be too bad.

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One of the reasons for riding toward town instead of my usual country roads was my curiosity about the status of a major realignment of I-69 that has been in progress for a couple of years. Nobody would be working on the massive project on Sunday, so I could ignore all the Road Closed signs.

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I was surprised to find a new bike path as part of the project. I followed it to its end: The Walmart.

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I backtracked a mile, and was surprised to find a new housing development I hadn't heard about - overpriced cookie cutter vinyl sided homes on tiny lots. How many of the new residents would use the bike/walking path to do their grocery shopping at the Walmart? Based on my experience living in Kentucky, I predict that no one will.

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I backtracked a few more miles and rode on a familiar gravel road through an industrial part of town. then crossed super-busy Green Street on my way to the downtown riverfront.

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Henderson has a very nice riverfront area, with a walking trail that I use frequently. I stopped to take a picture of the statue of Henderson native Husband Kimmel. I'm surprised he's a favorite son of the town, having been in charge of Pearl Harbor when it was attacked in 1941.

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I eventually wound my way through town and returned to the quiet country lanes I favor. By now I was feeling pretty tired. I've really let myself get badly out of cycling shape the last few months.

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The 36 miles felt more like 60. Part of that was probably the cold, which always tires me out more. But still - I'm going to have to get my act together in a big way before I can do another bike tour.

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