R Community Bikes - Breaking the Cycle - CycleBlaze

June 8, 2024

R Community Bikes

Last Sunday, after the ROC 'n' Roll ride, I rode another mile to R Community Bikes.  There was a volunteer training.  We learned a bit about the history and purpose, got a tour, and then we got some hands-on training on tuning and repairing bikes.  For obvious reasons, this was extremely beneficial for me.  I watched and worked with Garry, one of the experienced mechanics.  

Last Wednesday I went in to volunteer.  I was given a kid's bike to check.  I greased the posts and stems, cleaned and lubed the chain, popped the rear tire while tightening spokes, fixed that flat (with Garry's patient assistance), capped a cable, wiped down most of the bike, adjusted the chain tension, attached a bell, etc.  I wasn't familiar enough with the phenomenal range of tools to be efficient, and Garry had to assist a bit too much for me to be of much use.  Having said that, I look forward to being more useful when I return from this ride.  

I mentioned R Community Bikes in a previous post, because John, who is helping me with the advocacy and awareness work, specifically, the gathering of lived experiences from previously unhoused individuals, told me R Community Bikes had saved his life when he was suffering homelessness.  Yesterday, John introduced me to a couple of people who also gave credit to R Community Bikes for making survival possible when they were without means of transportation.  One said words to the effect of, if you have a bicycle, there is no reason to go hungry in this city.  In addition to R Community bikes, they had praise for the food programs in Rochester.  But, as I've said before, transportation is a barrier to receiving services for many.  

To be sure, all organizations can improve--and R Community Bikes focuses on figuring out ways to increase efficiency.  But I have to say, it is an extremely well-organized, well-run place, and it is a joy to volunteer there.  Moreover, they are providing a crucial service.

See the web site here: R Community Bikes .

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