Heede our Last night in Germany - A Nostalgic Journey through Europe - CycleBlaze

August 2, 2023

Heede our Last night in Germany

We almost managed to escape the rain

Again the weather sites told us that the best time to escape most of the rain and the worst of the wind was between 7am and 11am. This meant an early start again and the fact once more we would arrive long before the check in time for the hotel

The weather was not too bad when we left and to start with we were travelling through an immaculate rural area along the perfect bike paths that we have become accustomed to.  At one stage there was a big tractor sweeping the cycle way so we weren’t at any time bothered by twigs and leaves as we rolled along.  There were seats at intervals and beside each a rubbish bin lined by a bag

This is one of the typical farms around here
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See the rubbish bin just past me on the left
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The storage for the gas
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We came to an industrial area and then turned onto a cycleway along a busy road with the Kurstenkannal on one side ( though mostly obscured by trees) and boggy looking waste land on the other.  The Canal is actually very wide and I am sure that in the past it had very busy water traffic.  Today however we only saw a couple of barges and all the goods seemed to be being carried by the massive trucks that thundered passed us on the roads.  There was one bit of excitement though Ken heard the characteristic sounds of a 2 cylinder tractor, it passed us  and turned off so he was off after it.  When with great delight he caught it it was a 2cylinder air cooled Deutz going to the dump with a trailer load of rubbish.

The kurstenkannal
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There are huge wind turbines all around
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This two cylineder air cooled Deutz made Ken happy
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Shortly afterwards we turned off on the last few kilometres to Heede and it started to rain.  There was a rather bleak bridge we sheltered under for a while.  After about 15 minutes we gave up and decided to get wet.  Heede is a pretty very small town.  It was very early but we were very lucky to come on a warm dry restaurant to wait out our time.  We had a coffee, then we ordered Bratwurst mit pommes (very good indeed). Then we waited and waited, other diners came and went, we had a cup of tea then just as the owner thought she would have us for ever we were off. The RadlerScheune where we are staying had an extremely welcoming lady and we have what seems like a small apartment

An exciting way to spend time in Europe
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Robyn RichardsI think I'd rate this as a 1 star shelter...but at least it's dry under there!
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10 months ago
Tricia GrahamSomewhat boring! In the end we decided to just get wet
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10 months ago
Kathleen ClassenBeen there, done that. Last time we at least had a young mom and a sweet baby to keep us entertained.
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10 months ago
A dry haven
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The War Memorial in Heede
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Ken has found a shop and bought a pizza that we can heat up and we can buy a bottle of wine here.  He tells me that the little town has quite a big church with lots of people around it.  He found the war memorial which has 40 World War 1 names and over that from World War 2. That is a lot for this small area.  

Tomorrow we head into Netherlands.  We intend going to Emmen and the hotel we are aiming for has 24hr reception so at least we will be able to shelter there if we need to

Today's ride: 46 km (29 miles)
Total: 188 km (117 miles)

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Robyn RichardsI hope Ken is feeling more like himself despite this awful weather?
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10 months ago
Tricia GrahamYes he says he feels almost normal now
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10 months ago
Jill BrinsleyI’m pleased to see the return of the tractor segments to the blog!!🤣. Your under bridge shelter was definitely what we travel to Europe for. If we are ever to go to that region, I’ll contact you for details of how to find it . 👏🤣
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10 months ago