October 31, 2022
Kvilda to Železná Ruda
More downs than ups today, and it feels warmer. When we leave our hotel we see that there is already activity on the construction site, everyone out in their hi-viz work clothes. Then I recognize one of them from last night, the lad from the bar. Today he looks fine, strong and healthy, hard to imagine, considering his condition the evening before. I don't think he recognizes us, though.
Before setting out we have a look at Kvilda's pretty wood-shingled church.

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We have just discovered how miraculous the Google translator app is. Until now I have used it for translating text on my phone. I didn't realize I could photograph a text and regardless of the script used, a translation would appear instantaneously. To translate a menu I don't have to type the words on my phone, just take a picture and the Czech menu is no longer a mystery. So brilliant! My basic Czech vocabulary didn't cover much more than dumplings and potatoes.
Now back to Gabréta. Although the sign, explaining who Gabréta is, is in German and I didn't need help to understand it, I used the app to save myself the trouble of translating it into English for your edification.

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The ride today is for the most part on good roads, we see little traffic and as on the day before, our route takes us through dense forests. Again we have no provisions for lunch, the previous day being a Sunday. But we know we will pass through Srní after about 17 km, a small town where we stayed overnight on our tour in 2009.

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We find a grocery store in Srní and set ourselves up for a picnic.

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Next to our picnic bench is a rock suspended from a chain, it's called a "weather station". I've seen it before in other places and never found it all that humorous, but I am delighted that, using the translator app, I can read the sign.

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We ride on. The countryside we pass through is sparsely populated and peaceful, we don't pass through any more towns before we reach Železná Ruda but there are many bike paths next to the roads. Often they seem quite unnecessary as there is hardly any traffic on the roads. Sometimes we use them, sometimes not. For the final four kilometers Janos opts for the highway instead of the bike path through the forest which would have been bumpier, granted, and might have involved a bit of climbing. It was kind of a shock to be on a road with fast traffic again.

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Soon enough we are in our tiny little room, fine for one night. The heating's not on yet when we check in, but the shower is hot. Železná Ruda is on the Czech-German border, just a short distance from Bayrisch-Eisenstein in Germany. It is quiet here and the place where Janos had eaten on his stay in September is closed. This leaves the Vietnamese restaurant. They have a fire going in the wood stove and it's nice and warm, that's good for a start. The beer is warm, too, and the food is so-so la-la. But it's a friendly place. We are entertained by the son of the owners as he scoots back and forth on his little balance bike while munching on a nori leaf.
Today's ride: 46 km (29 miles)
Total: 144 km (89 miles)
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