A Donnybrook near Donnybrook - Two Good Blokes tackle the Munda Biddi Trail - CycleBlaze

March 27, 2024

A Donnybrook near Donnybrook

Nglang Bidjar hut to Donnybrook

Mondo (my bike) getting an adjustment by the bike chiropractor in Collie.
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The huts are great to stay in when there’s no one else there which was the case again at Nglang Bidjar hut. After the klepto duck incident yesterday we were on the lookout for a notorious currawong that we’d been forewarned about. It didn’t take long for this rogue to turn up and brazenly try to raid our stockpile of food. Pete took on security duties and fended him off whilst I prepared the freeze dried honey chicken with rice. And when I say prepared, the complicated instructions are to add to 2 cups of boiled water and leave for 15 minutes. I did add some fresh vegetables to joojz it up but it’s not exactly rocket salad.

An early morning trail runner
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Straight out of the hut we went straight up a long and steep forest trail that got to almost 15% in parts and had us sweating despite the cool morning temperatures. It was then flowing single trail until we popped out on a loose pea gravel road that then turned to smooth tarmac all the way to the highway town of Boyenup. It’s into the 30’s as we roll into town and so much hotter than in the forest.

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Cherie LangleyGreat perspective shot! Those trees are huge!! ❤️
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11 months ago
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Boyenup had a drive through coffee place with a picnic table under a nice shady tree so we pulled in. There was 1 car in front us so as we waited a cute dog stuck his head out of the driver side window just as the server passed over a coffee. I took a quick snap thinking that would be something different to more pictures of big trees and distant bikes.

 When we got to order, the the twenty something server confronted me saying “Did you just take a photo”. “Yes I took a cute snap of the dog and your hand reaching out with a coffee”. “You must delete it immediately”. I showed  her the photo of her hand and the dogs face and she repeats “You must delete it, and I’m going to watch you do it” “Good luck with that one. I’ve had my little Canon Ixus camera since 1995 and I’ve never been able to work out how to delete photos”. She leaned out of the servery window and was clearly not amused. Luckily Pete works out how to delete the offensive picture of a cute dog and her tattooed forearm and calm was restored.

“Now, how about shouting us 2 coffees and we’ll donate $10 to our fundraiser.” “She glares at me and says that that  request is above her pay grade”. I’m desperate for a coffee but I don’t order one on principal and settle for a disappointing ham cheese tomato toastie  that I’m pretty sure she jumped on before dumping it on our table.

As Cherie’s grandmother would say, ‘the worlds going to hell in a hand basket’
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When I rode the west coast of America just before Covid hit I remember taking a similar photo so I scrolled through my photos and found it. 

Americans do hospitality so well. This server happily posed for me so I could get the photo. Apparently this dog is a regular customer.
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The afternoon ride was all on a quiet bitumen road, quite a contrast to what we’ve experienced so far.  It’s much easier riding but the heat off the pavement is so much more intense than being in the forest. I’m sure I’m dehydrated despite drinking regularly and abstaining from coffee.  By the time we roll into Donnybrook we’re ready to call it quits for the day, have a shower and a nice cold beer.

Pete drawing inspiration from road signs
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Karen PoretPerseverance or perspiration? :)
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11 months ago
I prefer riding in the trees
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Tour de France shot number 2. Even the agapanthus are struggling.
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Today's ride: 47 km (29 miles)
Total: 465 km (289 miles)

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