Day 114-115: Mfuwe to Mchinji - Bike Bimble - CycleBlaze

January 24, 2025 to January 25, 2025

Day 114-115: Mfuwe to Mchinji

Animal watching

The point of the detour to Mfuwe was to visit the South Luangwe National Park. We had a recommendation of a guide from a cycling French couple we met in Botswana. Cath had organised a day of driving around the park with the guide via WhatsApp.

Apparently, we were lucky (don’t they always say that?) to stumble across a leopard and cubs, a pride of lions (very sleepy under a tree), some hunting dogs (also dozing under a tree) and the normal list of herbivores (hippo, giraffe, elephant, and a pile of gazelle-like animals). We probably were lucky – in the wet season the animals don’t need to stay as close to the river as during the dry and so they head into the jungle. The prey moves away and so do the predators. Luckily for us there were still a few animals close enough that the guide could track them down. And we got bogged on a ‘track’ -  a very water logged patch of ground. Turns out there are limits to what a land cruiser will drive through.

We’ll need to keep our eyes peeled – we still need a photo of a hyena and male lion.

Queue the list of photos of animals.

Hippos!! 😍
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Leopard and her cub
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I'm just a giraffe
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Sleepy time
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Apparently they say they don't use the collar to find them unless they really really can't find them
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Doug GillottYeah, right. We sprung our safari guide talking on the radio to the car that had been following the lions around all day.
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1 month ago
Catherine DockerYeah, they have a WhatsApp group and message/phone each other whenever they find something interesting
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3 weeks ago
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Doug GillottNew saying - "Sticking out like cat's balls".
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1 month ago
Catherine DockerTo Doug Gillott🤣
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3 weeks ago
This is and old man elephant...
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Mean looking dogs
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Bill ShaneyfeltHyenas
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1 month ago
Catherine DockerTo Bill ShaneyfeltThanks Bill. These are African hunting Dogs. We were told they were rare to see 🤷🏼‍♀️
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3 weeks ago
Bill ShaneyfeltTo Catherine DockerThanks! They sure look similar! Good to see folks are checking on me.
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3 weeks ago

We'd already ridden one way from Chipata and it wasn't the most entertaining road, so decided to hitch a lift back. Which turned into getting a shared taxi. After watching the taxi driver strap the bikes upside-down to the outside of the car we weren't full of confidence they would make it unscathed so, after much discussion, scratching heads and gnashing of teeth, we bought a couple of extra seats in the car and had the bikes relocated inside. Somehow, the same number of people fit in the already full car. I don't think anyone uses "number of seatbelts = max number of passengers" rule of thumb here, but I was surprised to see 7 in the first two rows of this tiny car (and they recon they'd get another row of three people if our big bikes hadn't taken up the space in the back). The tardis would have been impressed.

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Leaving Chipata we got a good dose of the wet season - lots of rain as we tried to change some money and ride out of town. Not the first time we've seen rain, but it's raining all day sometimes now.

Today's ride: 38 km (24 miles)
Total: 5,946 km (3,692 miles)

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