August 2, 2016
DAY 65: Wytheville to Blacksburg: "Methinks I will be buying a motorcycle after this trip"
Mileage: 60.9
Average Speed: 12.1 mph
Maximum Speed: 34 mph
What a day! My night in the park was not conducive to a great night's sleep. Between the noise teenagers and a skunk that meandered past my tent, I wasn't too rested.
I got out of town by 8, stopping at a convenience store for some "supercharged" coffee. I was wired, and found myself pedaling furiously up and down the rolling hills. Rainfall would come every few minutes for brief, second-long spurt, but never long enough to warrant breaking out the rain jacket and rain pants.
After getting very lost on my way into Blacksburg, I got to my warmshower's house. Michael and Jane were wonderful! They made me dinner, I went on a walk, and best of all, Michael took me on an hour-long motorcycle ride. I'd never been on a motorcycle before, and I had an absolute blast! Michael is a local author, and gave me such a detailed, interesting tour. We went up a mountain road to the hotel where "Dirty Dancing" was filmed, then back down into town and around Virginia Tech. Zipping aeound these roads and climbs at 60-70 mph made me think that I may have chosen the wrong mode of transportation...
Today's ride: 61 miles (98 km)
Total: 4,163 miles (6,700 km)
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