Day 77 - A day of celebration, another ferry and no hotel. But there's magic. - Unfinished Business - CycleBlaze

July 16, 2023

Day 77 - A day of celebration, another ferry and no hotel. But there's magic.

I thought this was going to be short  - a quick 100 km to finish Sumbawa, a ferry ride to Lombok and that's about it. It was looking that way, even mid-afternoon but how quickly things change.

The day started with the mosque waking me and my relief that it was 0430 and I had more snooze time. I was on my way early on streets that were chaos last night and quiet today; past the old Sultan's Palace with first stop, a bakery.

I walked here last night; it wasn't easy!
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The Sultan's Palace. It gives you the feeling of a tough life.
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Four bucks worth of cycling fuel! They were my snacks for 100 km. I still ate lunch and fruit.
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Ian DouglasAnd carefully packed in plastic.
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10 months ago
Ian WallisTo Ian DouglasYes, but I didn't get a plastic bag!!!!!
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10 months ago
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John GrantThe water looks a bit foamy. Perhaps they should look at their stocking rates . . .
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10 months ago
Ian WallisTo John GrantJohn, stocking rates are based on an algorithm that includes the estimated population of Indonesia.
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10 months ago
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I stopped after about 60 km for lunch and easily communicated that I'd like some vegetarian tucker, hot tea and coffee - both with sugar. As I ate, I pondered the big event in 18 km - 6000 km for the trip. I'd need my tripod or a person to help.

The ladies at my lunchtime warung.
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I was just coming up to the magic 80 km, when a fellow came up on a motorcycle and with perfect English said "I want to buy you coffee". That was Artha. I explained that I had important business first and described what it was and that he could help. I think he liked the red tie.

Celebrating 6000 km (with the Darwin correction) since May 1. Thanks to Artha for magically appearing when I needed a photo.
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John GrantNice job !
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10 months ago
Couldn't agree more!
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And all you "Doubting Thomases", you're probably tossing out your shoes when they've still got 10,000 km left. Folks, there's no better possession than an old pair of shoes!
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Celebrating with Artha
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Lest we forget!
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Artha - a champion! We had a great chat over drinks. He answered many of my questions.
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So, Artha and I parted ways with me heading to the ferry at Pototano. There were a few niggling hills and a headwind but I needed think only of last Sunday to feel untroubled.

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It was the same ludicrous system: put money on a BRIZZI card and then go elsewhere, where they scan the card and issue a ticket. One little hitch - the power was out for a time. It cost 32,000 rp for my bike and I.
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It was definitely the slow boat to Labuan Lombok, pulling about 5 knots. If I'm on a boat for two hours I like to look back and not see my departure point! But the scenery compensated.

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That's 3726 m Gunung Rinjani, an active volcano, hiding at the left of the picture.
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It was pretty much dark as I cycled away from the port. There seemed to be two hotels, one booked out and the other, Casa Captain Dragon, is unknown to locals. I was all set to return to the police at the port when Opandi and his wife, Uma, offered me a place in their home. I accepted and followed them out.

We ate and then went to a rather bizarre magic show at the local football field.

This fellow is calling the act! What an orator!
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This fellow is tied in a shroud and goes in the box, which is locked.
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A "tent" goes over this box.
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The formula is repeated over and over. Someone is selected from the crowd and something happens, eg they are rubbed down with dencorub  - yes, seriously. This causes the tent to shake and when it's lifted the shroud sits on the box or a glass of water that was on the box is empty or......They then run around and sell the magic agent, such as small tubes of dencorub. People are in a frenzy to get their sample. A lot of money changes hands.

We didn't stay to the end; by 1030 pm I was exhausted. We returned, lay down and, when all human noise expired, I detected a sound. It was too subtle for the odd rat that was cruising. I looked to the pile of bricks, adjacent to my bed, and it was alive  - with roaches. I closed my eyes and slipped into the most glorious sleep, my first next to a roach hotel.

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Ian DouglasMy entomology PhD school friend had fantastic collection of roaches, including a fish tank full of live ones; much nicer than the urban ones we experience.
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10 months ago

The morning would explain things to me.

Today's ride: 104 km (65 miles)
Total: 5,918 km (3,675 miles)

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