Breaking Loess - Northwest passages: riding out the storm - CycleBlaze

May 25, 2020

Breaking Loess

I’ve been promising Rachael for days now that I’d give the puns a rest when we return to Portland.  It’s one of the reasons we’re heading back to Portland a bit earlier than planned, actually.  She couldn’t take it much longer and was starting to crack up.   She doesn’t mind puns so much; it’s just mine she’s had her fill of.  I’m a man of my word, and we’ll try to maintain a clean journal for awhile at least.  I’m sure this will be a big disappointment to some of you, so thanks for your understanding.

And thanks again for sticking with us this past month.  For the record, and in case you’d like some ideas to start with if you ever make it this way yourselves, here’s our Palouse ride collection, from RideWithGPS.  We covered a good cross section of the region, but we’re leaving with reasons to come back some year.  Top on the list is that overnight loop from Pullman to Clarkston that we’d been considering when we arrived here - south down Wawawei Road and along the Snake to Clarkston, and then back up the Old Spiral Highway.  That still sounds like a great overnighter to me, but it went out the window with the broken hot water heater.

We’ll only be in Portland for nine days, but that sounds like plenty at the moment.  I’m not sure what we’ll do in the way of riding when we get back, but we’ll probably use it as a bit of a break from the blog.  Don’t be surprised or concerned if you don’t hear from us until we move on to Corvallis on June 3rd.

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Bruce LellmanGood elevation gain. Mt. Everest is only 29,029 feet.
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4 years ago
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Bob DistelbergEnjoy your time in Portland, as well as your blog break. You deserve it after keeping so many of us entertained! Looking forward to the next installment from Corvallis. Bob
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4 years ago
Jen RahnThanks for another round of morning entertainment.

Look forward to seeing you on your way to Corvallis!!

Hope you receive a nice surprise from the Social Security office while you're in Portland.
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4 years ago
Bruce LellmanAnd, of course, someday you should ride to Palouse Falls and around that interesting landscape.

Thank you for yet another interesting installment. You could be doing these rides without telling anyone about them but you generously choose to keep us informed and entertained.
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4 years ago
Scott AndersonTo Bruce LellmanI was sorry to miss Palouse Falls, and we toyed with adding a side trip to it on the drive home today, but 7 hours was plenty long enough already. Much better to bike to it anyway than to just drive up for a quick look. Maybe some day when based around Walla Walla.
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4 years ago