We reach Avignon - Keeping up with Rudolf - CycleBlaze

June 27, 2024

We reach Avignon

A very hot day

We had really enjoyed our stay in Mornas, our host was delightful and we had a very nice meal sitting out on the terrace on a beautiful evening.  I had thought the wifi was bad but with only a little bit of difficulty had managed to get a post on. 

We were lead on a quiet road over the Nroad and the motorway and were almost straightaway back on the Via Rhona which was to lead us all the way to Avignon. Once more the way was largely rural and we were not led through any small towns at all nor where there any seats along the way where we could take a rest. The day was getting hotter and hotter and it wasn't until we were nearly in Avignon that we were able to find a shaded seat where we could eat the quiche that Ken had bought us at the boulangerie for lunch.  The shade was glorious and we sat there for a very long time reluctant get out into the heat and blazing sun again It was really only a few kilometres to go so on we went

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All along the way we were seeing medieval ruins
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Sun flowers just beginning to bloom, the first we have seen
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Very glad to not have to go over that bridge
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Medieval buildings in the distance
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And now close up and being restored
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They were so helped by the natural rock formations building these structures
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So much evidence of irrigation though I feel with the amount of rain this year it want have been used much
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We passed what must have been hundreds of acres of solar panels
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We have seen oleanders in full bloom all along the way. This is just one example. It reminds me of the oleanders we saw in the Po Valley in 2019
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The most heavily laden apricots we have seen
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See the great seat. I’m smiling
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Over the bridge and into Avignon
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Once over the bridge the fun began as we had to navigate ourselves through the narrow streets of Avignon to find The Hotel Medieval which was down a tiny little alley in the middle of the maze

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Awaiting my award
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The internet at the hotel is so terrible I was unable to post anything for the three days we were there. Now we are back out of the Middle Ages and into the modern world - I am sorry any of you who have may have thought we had met with a disaster

Today's ride: 45 km (28 miles)
Total: 907 km (563 miles)

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Kathleen JonesI was wondering. Glad you were only time traveling.
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3 months ago
Carolyn van HoeveHappy to see new posts! I’m sure some of us have been concerned at the radio silence after your water adventures. Sure looks hot!
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3 months ago