Two days in Lyon - Keeping up with Rudolf - CycleBlaze

July 1, 2024 to July 2, 2024

Two days in Lyon


The Confluence where our hotel is is really quite a long way from the centre of Lyon - too far for me to walk.  Lyon has a wonderful transport system and the tram came to near us.  On Monday we braved the trams and quite unsure which line went where we ended up goodness knows where.  It was a pretty down market district so we found a reasonable place for lunch then back to watch the rather mundane stage 3 of the Tour de France

Yesterday rather than bend our minds trying to work out where the trams went we wandered around the local area.  This area at the Confluence is a very modern development and something I really haven’t seen before in France - like all things French it is done with style.  A n inlet comes in from the Soane, there are small boats tied up and on one side of this the gigantic Confluence Mall into which our hotel is built. On the other side are exceptionally high end looking appartments and on the street level attractive looking cafes, restaurants and even a rather extraordinary looking bike shop full of those bikes that mums cart the children around in/on. The prices of these all about 6000E so certainly not cheap.  We had a very  good pizza for lunch, walked back via the Soane and saw cruise liners ready to take off.  Back to our room Stage 4 of the Tour was certainly exciting- I am a great fan of Pogcar so was particularly excited

Altogether a very relaxing time. Just now we have to organise our belongs and wait for the taxi to take us to the airport for the long flight home

Looking across to the mall
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The other side with restaurants and appartments
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The train goes right through the mall
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High end bikes for transporting your kids
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Mike AylingI saw something similar in central Melbourne and the rider told me that she it whenever she needs one.
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2 months ago
Pizza time
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Crossing over the inlet
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Looking back at appartments
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Alison AddicksCongratulations on completing another tour. As we are getting older we are finding people telling us we are an inspiration but we always tell them about you guys, 10 years older and definitely you Trish were the person that inspired me to give cycle touring a go when I was 62. And like you both we are addicted to cycling holidays. XX
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1 month ago
Tricia GrahamTo Alison AddicksThank you for that Alison. We do love cycle touring even though we now have to keep on fairly easy routes. I firmly believe it is the easiest way for old people to travel. Next year we are planning a trip in Germany. I am trying to persuade Ken that he is old enough to ride an e bike
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4 weeks ago
Alison AddicksThat's wonderful to hear and who knows maybe we will meet in Germany or somewhere else one of these years. And good luck with convincing Ken to ride an ebike xx
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4 weeks ago