To Tournus - Keeping up with Rudolf - CycleBlaze

June 16, 2024

To Tournus

A pity about the constant head wind

Once more our exit from Chalon was  easy. How I wish New Zealand cities were so cycle friendly.  After going through the suburbs of some time we were put onto a Voir Vert  which was certainly extremely well used. There were of course lots of day trippers but also a surprising number or tourers.  One couple had come from Manchester - the were doing considerably larger distances than us and today were aiming for Macon and were camping   Oh to be so fit and young.  Along this cycle way there were lots of horses and separate horse trails both beside the cycleway and crossing it. The holdings on this part of the trip really looked more like lifestyle blocks. We were actually quite a long way from the Soane at this stage.  Then we came to a turn off that took us of this cycleway onto small roads and we were headed in the direction of the Soane

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Ken didn’t know what this tractor was! He thinks it was probably German
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Getting off the cycleway was a blessing as we were directed through the small town of Ouroux sur Soane and not only were we able to get a coffee but also find an open Boulangerie and get supplies  for lunch   We were then put over an extremely scary bridge.  Not only was it steep, fairly busy with cars but the wind was blowing so strongly at the top we felt we might be blown over.   The route then turned onto the Voir Bleue beside the Soane and a sense of security returned

Inside this was jam packed with men gambling
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Thank goodness we turned onto the Voir Bleue
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A Route Barre but this one looked serious and had a marked detour
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The markings were perfect
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It led us through Ginny sur Soane with a welcome seat for our usual lunch of bread cheese and cherries
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Whatever was a mathematician doing here in the 16th century
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We wondered what these rabbits were being kept for - I hope not a meal
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Across the Soane
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The first sign we have seen of wheat ripening
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Soy beans just coming through the ground
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It was about 10km along the Soane to Tournus with families picnicking, fishermen and a lot of action on the river.  Then we saw spires rising with were the hint to us of what a magical place Tournus is. We struggled up the steep hill and found our hotel. It was naturally far too early to check in so we unloaded, stowed our bikes away, had a beer and went to explore.  The centre is outstanding. The jewel is the Abbaye Saint Philibert a Romanesque  Church built in he 11th and 12th century. To me it is the most beautiful church I have ever been in.  It dominates the central square  and I just loved it. We sat drinking our coffee loving the ambience until it was time to check into our incredibly comfortable hotel 

Our first hit of what Tournus would be like
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She poured us a beer on arrival
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The entrance to the abbey
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A pretty little organ
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Wonderful powerful columns in the main body of the church
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The view of the central square as we sit drinking our coffee
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These mosaics are well preserved and are from the 11h century
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Carved from one piece of wood
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Today's ride: 35 km (22 miles)
Total: 495 km (307 miles)

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