To Serrieres - Keeping up with Rudolf - CycleBlaze

June 21, 2024

To Serrieres

A lovely ride and the rain held off

She’s off and uphill too
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The ruined castle above Vienne with the steep vineyards below
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The church
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It is a town with many places dating back to Roman times
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And more Vienne
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There was much debate about what time we would start and it was decided that 10am was probably the best time although it looked as if it would rain on and off all day. It was fine when we left and we got to the right side of the bridge but then it started. We were lucky to find a shelter and it didn’t last for too long. Today we were riding along a perfectly sealed track that was well marked and particularly easy.  There were vineyards up the side of the hills and it looked as if working them would be nearly impossible.  They were much too steep for tractors.  The grape grown here is almost completely Syrah and we had a very nice example of it last night.  Then we came through an extensive vegetable growing area This led into a Nature area with notices about all the many species of wild life that made it their home, then we were back to the river 

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Imagine having to work these
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We were passing at the edge of small villages and sometimes into them and on the hills we could see others that would be a serious climb to visit. All of us were delighted that at the half mark we came to Codrieu and went into the town, found a bar and had a welcome cup of coffee

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Across the river
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The Famous Five
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Kathleen JonesThis is one to put on a wall. Great photo.
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3 months ago
Tricia GrahamWe are having a lot of fun with three generations travelling
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3 months ago
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The always welcome coffee break
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About lunch time we spotted a village off the track and went off route seeking food.  Jane and Mark got a quick lesson in French opening hours.  The cafe shut between 12 and 3,  they just reached the boulangerie at 1pm as it shuts but after some hunting found a bar that made them 5 crocque mosieurs - they tasted good.  Then it was our final push to Serrieres and our hotel. Across the river there was a lot of industrial development but the highlight of this part of the ride was the road kill that Ken, Jane and Matthew found. A last grossing over a fairly scary bridge and we were at our hotel   It had been fine nearly all day but it is raining now so we will eat here tonight

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Jane picking road kill
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Tricia GrahamTo Steve Miller/GrampiesThe red plums
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3 months ago
And more
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The result - they taste good
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Steve Miller/GrampiesBut where did the original contents of the handlebar bag go?
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3 months ago
Tricia GrahamThat was Jane’s. They are on hire bikes and only riding with us for a few days so the little she had went into Matthew’s. Everyone will want to ride close to Jane tomorrow because they are delicious
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3 months ago

Today's ride: 36 km (22 miles)
Total: 650 km (404 miles)

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