To Chalon sur Soane - Keeping up with Rudolf - CycleBlaze

June 15, 2024

To Chalon sur Soane

Up amongst the vines again - a pity about the head wind

Off for a coffee
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Beaune is certainly a popular place and is humming with tourists.  The old town is in the centre surrounded by a road. It is a lovely centre but slightly in danger of being loved to death and the shop keepers in the centre know how to charge for their ambience. We thought it would be a nightmare getting out of it but actually it was very easy   We were safely on cycle tracks and before long on the little roads leading up into the vines. As we had suspected this first part of the ride was very hilly but we had not expected such a fierce head wind so the going was challenging for Ken.  We had left at 8.30 and this is the time than vans are taking the workers up into vineyards

Here comes a van full of workers
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Along the way we were being taken through charming little wine villages with names that anyone who knows anything about Burgandy wines will be familiar with.  The various Domains had enticing signs out advertising tastings and sales.  Not a good ideas on a bike

This is Pommard the first wine village we came to
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I love the neat stone walls surrounding the vineyards - they give them such a neat look.  

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Cycle routes are well marked but I do not doubt that you could just follow any of the myriad of small roads serving the vineyards
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Many of the stone walls have poppies growing beside them which added to the perfect picture
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I would like to live in that house
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Something big was going on here and by the look of the people I think it must have been a funeral
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When we got to Meursault it was time for a coffee and there was a very convenient cafe in the main square
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A typical Burgundian roof in Meursault
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A wonderful statue of vineyard workers in the main square
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When we got to Chagny we had come down from the hills and reached the Canal de Centre.  We stopped and had our lunch of bread, cheese and cherries.  From here the ride to Chalon is particularly easy as the canal is going down hill and the wind seemed to drop a bit

Lunch time
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Pretty houses along the way
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It looks ready to harvest
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This surprised me - these massive piles of logs were being hosed down continuously, no doubt to stop them drying out too quickly
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Another pretty house
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Ken always enjoys looking at vegetable gardens
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Once we were off the canal it was easy to get through Chalon to the centre where our hotel is. On a Saturday afternoon there seemed very little traffic.  

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There was some sort of political protest going on we have no idea which side they were on
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Steve Miller/GrampiesThe rainbow flags suggest Gay Pride.
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2 months ago
Tricia GrahamTo Steve Miller/GrampiesDespite the rainbows I think it was something to do about the snap election Macron has called but what I don’t know
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2 months ago
We had to wait till our room was ready and Ken took advantage of the time ( rather mean to put that on but he said I could )
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More of the protest but in wrong order
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Our room is the best yet it is huge and even more importantly has a shower I can use easily. Ken left all his toilet gear behind last night so has been off hunting replacements. I am somewhat relieved to have just got a call from him to say he is on his way back - he has been gone for ages

Today's ride: 40 km (25 miles)
Total: 460 km (286 miles)

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