Although I have never met them in person, I feel I know many CycleBlazers well just from reading their journals and I call them my friends. I have had the pleasure of meeting several in flesh and blood. While waiting for the beginning of my next tour in less than two weeks, I have attempted to compile all the meet-ups with CycleBlazers over the past years.
The first CBers we meet are Rachael and Scott Anderson in 2021 when they route their way south via Gauting. Here we are having coffee at Lake Starnberg. We aren't doing group selfies yet and Janos is behind the camera.
Rachael AndersonIt’s great to look back at our first meeting! I’m so happy for all the wonderful times we’ve had together. You feel like family! Reply to this comment 6 months ago
May 2022 - On our first day out in Burgundy on our way to Dijon we enjoy the hospitality of Keith Klein and his wife Susan at their home in Chevrey-Chambertin. Now we are getting the knack for the group picture thing.
Summer 2022 Dodie and Steve Miller pass through Munich and we meet for coffee and cake at Cafe Münchner Freiheit. No group photo but our presence is evident by our pieces of cake.
May 2023 - While we are in Sault at the foot of Montventoux, Kirsten Kaarsoo and Lyle McLeod reroute their tour to meet us for dinner. They stay at the same hotel and we get together once more for breakfast.
June 2023 - A highlight for me while we are together in the Provence, Susan and I clilmb Mont Ventoux. It is too early in the season and there is no official col sign to pose under.
Kathleen JonesWhen I tell people about the friends I rode with in France, I explain who you are with the story of your ride up Ventoux. Chapeau! Reply to this comment 6 months ago
October 2023 - Susan visits friends in Europe, stopping in Munich, or rather Gauting, before continuing on to Paris. We lend her my old e-bike and we take some autumnal rides in the surroundings.
April 2024 - While we are still in Spain we meet the Andersons on their way north to cycle a week together. Susan is headed in another direction but plans her itinerary so that our paths cross here in Mérida. No group picture with bikes because I come down with an infection. We are disappointed that we can't cycle the next leg together as planned. But at least we see each other a few days.
That makes altogether 11 CycleBlazers we have had the pleasure to meet in person! The stories behind the pictures are in all of our journals. We have loved meeting up with fellow CycleBlazers. I hope there will be more to come. You know where to find us.
The following picture has nothing to do with cycling and it doesn't even include a fellow CycleBlazer, but it is, in my opinion, of a blazing beauty (and I don't mean me). Meet my great granddaughter Lina! I just couldn't resist sneaking her in.
Can't call it baby "sitting". Lina likes sleeping on your tummy. She is six weeks old.
Jacquie GaudetWhat a cutie! My granddaughter was about that age when I learned about the Strider 2-in-1 Rocking Bike. I exercised some control and waited until her first birthday to get one for her. Start 'em young! Reply to this comment 6 months ago
Susan CarpenterWhat a wonderful collection of photos and memories. I'm delighted and lucky to have shared in so many of your Cycle Blaze adventures - and I'm very much looking forward to adding to the collection! Congrats on the new granddaughter - she's a cutie!! Reply to this comment 6 months ago
6 months ago
6 months ago