To Yellow Point via a pub - An Island Sojourn - CycleBlaze

To Yellow Point via a pub

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And the Relive version.

My mantra today is “go easy”. It’s not a race and I have over six hours to cover about 36 miles. Don’t have a repeat of yesterday. If I get off and push, so be it. It’s an island and islands are NOT flat. 

Lots of small wineries on the island.
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I’m not used to seeing hedgerows on this side of the pond.
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So less than a mile in there is a detour sign. Not for everyone. This sign specifically addresses bicycles. As it turns out, the detour was probably a nicer ride, taking me on a lightly traveled road through small farms. 

Arriving at my first stop of the day, the Chemainus Bakery, I had a wonderful piece of strudel and a coffee. I’ve been to Chemainus several times in the past but for some reason had never seen the tour buses disgorging passengers come to see the murals. 

Master Frodo wasn’t in.
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Wish these still ran instead of the log trucks.
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Requisite mural photo. Community bands rule.
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Pvt Pyle ate here?
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After dallying longer than necessary, it was off to Ladysmith and today’s anticipated second bakery stop. Nope. Closed Mondays. Disappointing but not surprising. I was one of several people walking up at the same time to find the bakery dark. At least I’d had one bakery stop already. Time to head farther north to the Crow & Gate Pub, probably my favorite drinking (and food) establishment. This would be my least favorite part of the trip as I would have to take HWY 1. The saving grace is that it has a wide shoulder and I wouldn’t be on it too long.  

I was concerned upon. Arrival when I saw how many cars were present. My concern increased when I saw how many people were waiting outside, some deciding to leave. But undaunted I strode inside, where the hostess said she could seat me. The others who waiting were part of large groups. Time for beer and the Scotch egg plate. When the waitress asked if I wanted another beer, I replied that she’d need to get me a cot if I had another.

My favorite pub.
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Been looking forward to this.
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Back to the bike and off to Yellow Point Lodge, where I had luckily score a two night reservation. It’s a place I’ve been to many times before and enthusiastically participated in their triathlon events of eating, reading, and sleeping. It’s a beautiful place in a spectacular location and ridiculously underpriced. Two nights, then back home. Tomorrow is likely a day off the bike as the forecast is 79% chance of showers and my body could use some recovery time after a couple of hard days I wasn’t fully prepped for. 

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I always feel funny sleeping alone in a king bed.
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My accommodation is a two bedroom with a shared living room. Wish I could do smell-o-vision. There’s just a hint of an aroma from the fireplace.
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The tree shower. I’d love to have one at home.
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And the view from the tree shower.
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Followed by some time in the hot tub.
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It’s amazingly peaceful.
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Besides, this is a vacation, damnit. I’m supposed to enjoy myself. 🙄🤣

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Mike AylingRide with GPS - you could try the share the link and email yourself then cut and paste the link into your journal.
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1 month ago
Bob KoreisTo Mike AylingI'll have to play with that in prep for future travels. Now that I'm home I can an access the custom embed on my laptop. Don't understand why it isn't an option in the app (on my phone at least).
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1 month ago
Kathleen JonesNow that’s the cycling life. Nice.
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1 month ago