Celorio to Ribadesella - Spain, a Paleolithic Twist - CycleBlaze

September 8, 2024

Celorio to Ribadesella

Cave Art

Temperatures were a pleasant 54-69 degrees. The highlight and purpose for the short day was visiting the cave of Tito Bustillo.  This cave is a world heritage site. After a long walk through the current entrance we arrived at the main gallery of art. Horses and reindeer were clearly depicted some on a red ochre painted background, by black lines, one horse was done in a dark violet unique to this group of Paleolithic paintings. 

Good morning cows.
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Pictures inside Arredondo of prize bulls.
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View of pasture in morning light as riding off.
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Town along the way with mountains in the background.
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Beach near Llanes
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Beach near Llanes. Surfing is popular in Spain. Wetsuits were worn with bright colored t shirts over them in Celorio
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Yesterday we saw our first corn fields. More today.
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View of mountains
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Cyclists passing us
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Pretty gate and driveway
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Map of our ride
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Flower at Hotel
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Bill ShaneyfeltLooks like some species of Angel's trumpet.

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1 month ago
Marcia MealeTo Bill ShaneyfeltFitting name
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1 month ago
Walked to the Cave Tito Bustillo. The cave is located deep inside the rocks in the picture.
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The cave was discovered in 1968. They entered through a hole on ropes.

Please read these panels for a brief look into the cave’s history. Pictures were not allowed inside the cave but there was a great museum.
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See next picture for image
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Reproduction of part of the main gallery.
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The cave system was created by an underground river cutting through limestone.
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Personal adornments
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Horse bone pendant.
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Goat head sculpture
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Museum photo display of main gallery.
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stone Lamp
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Violet horse
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In contrast to the small close space Hornis de la Peña Tito Bustillo is cavernous. The new entrance (the prehistoric entrance collapsed thousands of years ago) after a short walk leads to a large 2 or 3 story dome like space before continuing on. 

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At least 9 groups of cave art have been found.
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Oil lamp light. Ropes to descend. 

Spring break, anyone?
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Entrance to the cave looks small but no ducking was needed. We stopped in several large “rooms” . The guide gave his spiel in each in very fast Spanish.
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Although I  could not understand the guide I felt privileged to see such a rich colorful collection of cave art in person. 

Entrance for meeting the tour guide.
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Horses on the street.
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Title mud flats on return walk.
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Alleyway in Ribadesella
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Today's ride: 16 miles (26 km)
Total: 267 miles (430 km)

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