October 3, 2023
Vertrieu to Lyon
Good weather, as the forecast rain held off and may have missed us completely. Starting out with breakfast with the wonderful German couple we had dinner with last night - who are staying here too. They are on eBikes, and we saw them at least 4 times during our route today.
We left Vertrieu just as school kids were being dropped off next door at the school yard. Huge school buses dwarfing the tiny streets. This lady bid us adieu from Vertrieu (see what I did there?).
Not sure if these were bike trails or roads, but we stayed on them at first for quite a while through fallow fields.
You could see that almost all crops were done - some potatoes planted but that was all we saw. Even the poor sunflowers could no longer track the sun's passage today.

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1 year ago
The aforementioned German couple educated us last night about the dead-looking corn we saw all yesterday. They said that it is harvested whole and cut up for pig food. Today we saw a number of fields that had been harvested.
I am actually a proponent of nuclear power, but we saw these cooling towers for at least 90 minutes today as we rode in a big arc around the site. I think you can see that hawk soaring just above the steam, hunting for those mice now exposed by the absent corn stalks.
So I was excited to see this section - the 'faunistique' - and the possibilities of animals, as we often see animals when riding in Canada. However, nary a sighting. Not even the mystical Sanglier (wild boar) which causes such a ruckus across Europe.
Some amazing roundabouts on the route. Here was the first that caught my eye. I guess the arrow is for British tourists. When we lived in Scotland, at least one expat each year had an accident going the wrong way around.
This roundabout even had a waterfall. No British tourist education required here apparently.
Finally off the road and down to the river. I started singing that Bruce Springsteen song, and it was an ear-worm the rest of the day.
Spectacular riding along the riverside. Big trees really appreciated as the temperature was in the high 20's by this time. What? We're Canadian, high 20's is hot!
On excursion from the river, and in getting back on the riverside drive we come up to a locked door. A lady putting out her trash saw us trying to open it, and watched for a minute, didn't offer any assistance, so we turned around and 2 or 3 km later, found another route to the river.
Entering the outskirts of Lyon was interesting as we paralleled train tracks. Train routes are wonderful because they are straight and flat and this route didn't disappoint. Straight as an arrow through the city until near the center.
We are now in the center and Marjory is doubting my directions. She has a sixth sense for these things, but she decides we are fine until about 5km later and we should have crossed the river when her spider sense triggered.
The Rhone is a central figure in Lyon. That strangely shaped building ahead is the Museum of Confluence. It sits at the confluence of two rivers, the Soane and the Rhone. Downriver is only the Rhone,
We cross the pedestrian bridge to the other side, rode for a little further until Marjory's spider sense started tingling again. We found we were about 28 minutes past where we should turn off up the St Just Hill.
This hill was 8% and last about 2-3 km. I will admit to walking part of the way.
We did finally arrive at a wonderful hotel, although I am not sure it was worth the climb. There is supposedly a funicular, but I never found it. The map is in 2 pieces because for some reason, the destination I had inserted was not even close to where we wanted to go. Oh well. Maybe she needs to pay me more.

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1 year ago
1 year ago
We will stay here 2 nights. It will take that long to recover from our climb up that hill!
Today's ride: 70 km (43 miles)
Total: 556 km (345 miles)
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1 year ago
1 year ago
1 year ago