May 13 - 19 … Summer has Arrived - Finally - PedalPushin 2024 - CycleBlaze

May 13, 2024 to May 19, 2024

May 13 - 19 … Summer has Arrived - Finally

Summer has arrived … finally.  It has only taken 9 months to return but we hit our first 70 degree weather this week and it was quite welcomed.

Oldest granddaughter is adding up the miles … 34 miles to date on her way towards the 100 mile reward.
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This week was filled with my own cycling as well as several sessions with the granddaughters who are starting to rack up the miles on their quests to a 100 mile reward outing.  Admittedly, we don’t go very fast, 5-6 mph, but they are quite enjoying the cycling and are constantly asking to go again and again.

The bike cart still works for the youngest granddaughters as I kept hearing “faster, faster!”
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The youngest two, however, still think the bike cart is a great private chariot and based on the giggles and laugher, are enjoying it as much as their older sister is enjoying the trike.

One thing of note for other readers, don’t expect your cycling to be quiet times of contemplation with nature as all of my granddaughters tend to talk the entire time we are riding.  Lots of word games get played and lots of information is shared, mostly one way, but the memories and experiences are well worth not hearing the birds along the way.

The youngest daughter, 7 months pregnant, discovered a Catrike Pocket in the garage that I had assembled for the local trike dealer … and it is a “grow into” trike for the granddaughters … another trike added to the stable.
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And if the cycling isn’t quite enough, my youngest daughter discovered a Catrike Pocket in the garage that I had built for the local trike dealer last fall.  As it hadn’t sold yet, I asked to borrow it to see if it would be suitable as a “grown into” trike for the oldest granddaughters as the price was quite good.  But youngest daughter, 7 months pregnant saw it, and decided it was worth a ride.  She came back grinning and enjoyed cycling along with her daughters so … I simply had to buy it.  A few modifications will be needed for the granddaughters as they grow but I now have a quite happy daughter too.

Today's ride: 218 miles (351 km)
Total: 4,164 miles (6,701 km)

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Kelly Iniguez70 degrees is a fine temperature! Tomorrow is 55 degrees and raining at home. I've been looking at the average temperature for several locations on our summer tour. It doesn't look terribly promising. 55 degrees on 6/16 in Babb, MT - and raining! Lots of rain in Babb (if the forecast is correct). I'm wondering if I should bring capris, or stick with tights for the entire trip. I'm in Tucson for a one week visit - I'm out the door at ~6 AM to beat the heat. It's quite a contrast. Enjoy those grandkids - I sent a link to our son of the trike you have for them. Our granddaughter is barely one year old. She has a Strider to grow into. I've said I would buy one of the kid size trikes, but she needs to grow a couple more years.
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9 months ago
Larry MitchellTo Kelly IniguezNever been a fan of riding in the rain although I’ve done it far too many times. I’ve been very impressed with the Trident Half Pints and the granddaughters have been enjoying the riding a lot. I guess they will learn to ride a two wheel bike eventually but who knows.

Early riding to beat the heat … never an Alaskan experience by any means. Looking forward to following along on your upcoming trip. We have to wait until October this year for a fall adventure.
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9 months ago