One sunny day ride - Ancenis to Nantes - CycleBlaze

April 12, 2019

One sunny day ride

Departure, under Joachim du Bellay statue.Café across the street is the Joachim
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No car, but a lot of birds hidden in trees, flat and peaceful.
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Ancenis bridge is an easy meeting point, located on north Loire river side for '' Loire à vélo '' cyclists. I have already used this location to meet several cyclists over the last summers. Like reunited with the famous Grampies.  Of course, there is a café across the street called : '' Le Joachim '' without mentioning the boulangerie going up hill toward the town center.

Arriving near Sainte Luce sur Loire.Could be another good meeting point.
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Today's ride: 36 km (22 miles)
Total: 36 km (22 miles)

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Steve Miller/GrampiesAncenis to Nantes is one of our favourite stretches!

I also like to tease Dodie about that Brit Hotel Akwaba in Ancenis, where we always seem to end up. I think it's ok and she hates it.
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5 years ago
Jonathan HechtBonjour Monsieur Fleurance
(and that’s about as much French
as I can use without embarrassing myself),

This is Jonathan Hecht from Portland, Oregon. I am a fairly avid, although aging, bike tourer who has only written one journal myself (on that other site). I have, however, read a couple of your journals both here and there.

And, I have heard/read about you over the years from Steve and Dodie Miller. I had an opportunity to actually meet the Grampies in Toulouse a few years back, although they might say I ambushed them!!

Anyway, I am considering a bike trip in June that would start and finish in Nantes and would love to ask you a few questions if you feel like humoring a fellow tourist. And if you’re comfortable taking this conversation off CycleBlaze, my email is jphecht at yahoo dot com.

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3 years ago
Michel FleuranceTo Jonathan HechtHello Jonathan,
With pleasure, I just sent you an email.
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3 years ago