January 20, 2019
A good day to take off
Love this hood ornament!Yesterday I forgot to mention dinner! As this is a “resort” we were able to pay for our room and it covered dinner and breakfast – great! As you know, we have been very impressed by the quality of food we have eaten here in Cuba and that lasted until dinner. Ah! Now we see why people complain. The standard dinner choices were chicken, pork or beef and everyone got pretty much the exact same thing. The portions were massive and although the chicken that we chose was ok, it certainly was not close to what we have been eating elsewhere! Oh well, we aren’t cooking so we won’t complain (too much, that is!).
Thankful to sleep in, we arose at 8:30 and made our way to breakfast, which proved to be slightly better than dinner as at least there was a cook there who made our omelettes to order (hey Steve, he was even doing a fried egg for someone!). As we walked back to our little cabin the rain began and it pretty much continued for most of the day on and off. We bought some more wifi cards and I found a palapa to sit under and stay dry while I worked away. It was a nice change of pace touching base with our other world.
Later in the day the sun finally broke out and so we walked a short way down the street to check out a waterfall that our guidebook had talked about. We had to pay to get in, of course, but didn’t mind as it was a lovely walk through the trees and down a lot of stairs to find first the top of the waterfall and then farther down the bottom. There was a group of young people who came prepared for a party, complete with “refreshments”, music and their swimsuits. We enjoyed watching them ham it up for pictures. The water was not at all cold and it might have been tempting to go swimming ourselves if it had been a bit warmer. As it was we walked back up a ways and bought some fresh mango juice from a stall set up along the way (no alcohol for us as we still had some stairs to climb!). We found a little spot near some smaller waterfalls and enjoyed our juice and the peacefulness of this little spot.
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The rest of the afternoon went quickly with more catching up and getting our gear in order. We were hoping to catch some American football but all they were showing was the other football – huh! Now why would people here in Cuba not want to watch American football???? Ha! No worries. It is hard to think about things like that when you are sitting in such a beautiful location.
Dinner was another “resort” special. We tried the pork this time and it was about the same – very bland indeed. If you come to Cuba, stay at Casa Particulars and eat their food – so much better!!!! They have it set up as a separate space and serve you dinner not with the family. You do get to interact with the hosts, but you really aren’t invited to be part of the family, which I think gives everyone the privacy they need. Also, the food at the Casa’s is cheap! And they stock your fridge with water, pop and beer, which you pay for at the end of your stay. Really, they are great!!!
Oh! I forgot I wanted to talk a little more about our room. It is very cute and quaint, but there are just a few little issues that are kind of strange. For example, I wanted to have a shower this afternoon after our walk only there was no water! Like none! Not in the sink, the toilet or the shower! Yesterday when we arrived I was going to have a shower but the water quickly petered out and I was left having a sort of standing up sponge bath. At around 4:00 the water was back on and I grabbed my chance, wanting to wash my hair. That done, I went to use the hairdryer which was attached to the wall. I hit the switch but nothing happened. I looked down and saw that it was unplugged but when I went to plug it into the wall I found that it was not the right kind of plug! I couldn’t move it as it was attached to the wall, so basically it was a useless appliance – so weird! Other than that, this has been a nice place to take a day off!
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Early to bed and hopefully it will be quiet around here so we can sleep. It doesn’t seem too terribly busy – the only big crowd being a group of birders who don’t seem like big partiers, so we think we’ll be safe. Tomorrow we head off the book route so we’ll be on our own except for the paper map. Good thing there’s a big highway that we can follow!
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