It’s good we didn’t go to the west coast - To the west coast… and back!!! - CycleBlaze

June 19, 2024

It’s good we didn’t go to the west coast

We didn’t sleep so well in the shelter, but it was still an early start courtesy of the little man, who definitely had the best nights sleep out of all of us. The first couple of hours were spent leisurely at the shelters, where Kevin wanted to walk around this tree holding my hand more times than I could count:

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It was so nice to see him out enjoying nature though and finding fun and games in such simple ways. Eventually we were all ready to move on, and began our day by cycling out to the point of Trelde Næs, where we found a cannon point built by the Germans during the Second World War, and more jellyfish.

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On our way back west we came across a woodpecker and a lizard made out of wood. These are quite common around here, there’s an owl in our local forest in the same style. Always impressive to see these absolute works of art.

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The weather was not cooperating. It was supposed to be summer now but it was cold and when a few drops of rain fell we quickly wrapped Kevin up in his poncho. He looked pretty silly when the sun almost immediately came back out again. Sorry Kevin.

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We had gone about 12 kilometres when we reached Høl where we had planned to take a break on the beach. But it was all holiday homes and every road was marked as private, so we had to keep going a couple more kilometres to Hvidbjerg where we saw a playground marked on the map. There were some steep hills on this stretch and Dea started to feel bad. I even had to cycle both bikes up one hill while she walked. Not both bikes at the same time, I should add, I’m not that good at cycling. It was a relief to reach the playground, which had a great view.

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Dea needed a lie down, she was really struggling, having not slept well the night before, and being pregnant and all. We both agreed that it was probably a good thing we hadn’t cycled to the west coast! She she lay down to rest and so did Kevin - I pushed him around in his trailer for a bit and he was soon asleep.

He’s not usually allowed to have cars when he sleeps, but this is a holiday
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Kevin took a long nap and we ended up spending something like four hours at that playground, which was a lot considering it was very windy there and actually really cold. I hate wearing two jackets in summer, this weather is so frustrating. Anyway, eventually we did some more cycling following cycle route 5 on fairly quiet roads to Brejning where we stopped at a supermarket to stock up on yogurt. Kevin was naturally thrilled by the busy car park.

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From there it was a mostly nice four kilometres to the shelters at Andkær Vig. Unfortunately what we hadn’t realised was that these shelters were up on a very steep hill. There were two ways up and after giving up on the first we detoured around to the second. It really was very steep and I once again cycled both bikes up (not at the same time).

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There were three shelters and we had booked number one, which was basically in the car park and didn’t have a bench. Kevin wasn’t too upset but it wasn’t what we dreamed of. The other two shelters were more hidden in the forest. A quick check online showed that they hadn’t been booked, so I quickly made a booking for shelter three and we had ourselves an upgrade.

Sorry Kevin, this is fun…
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… but this is better.
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As we were eating dinner and getting settled, a little mouse darted across the back of the shelter and disappeared down a little gap. “We probably should have stuck with shelter one,” I quipped, before coming up with a better solution to put the tent up inside the shelter. The mouse might disturb our sleep by making noise, but at least it won’t be running across our faces.

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Today's ride: 27 km (17 miles)
Total: 183 km (114 miles)

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