Introduction - To the west coast… and back!!! - CycleBlaze


There’s four of us now

Hello and welcome to the latest Højlund-Pountney family holiday. For those of you not familiar, our family consists of me, my wife Dea, our two-year-old son Kevin, and an as-yet-unnamed little girl who is going to spend the duration of this year’s tour doing all of her pedalling inside her mummy’s tummy.

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Kevin, still gonna be the star of the journal, at least for one more year
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Last year we rode east across Denmark, so this time it will be west. The plan is to go west to Kolding, south to Haderslev, west to Ribe, visit the islands of Mandø and Fanø, then head back home again from Esbjerg. If none of that means anything to you, don’t worry, we are basically just gonna be cycling around a bit in Denmark. At a pace that will hopefully suit both a two-year-old, a pregnant woman, and a tired man. Here’s a map. 

I assume this has made things a lot clearer
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And a cute picture of Kevin asleep in his bike seat. If I have one prediction for the next two weeks, it is that this will definitely not be the last photo like this.
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Steve Miller/GrampiesWhen we travelled with our small grandchildren we were always unnerved by the bobbling around of their heads when they fell asleep like this.
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4 months ago
Chris PountneyTo Steve Miller/GrampiesIt’s a really nice seat that tilts back so we don’t really have that problem, but we don’t plan for him to sleep there if we can help it!
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4 months ago
Steve Miller/GrampiesTo Chris PountneyIt has been years since we had any grandchild young enough for a fancy high tech seat. Good that you have one. Also-congrats on the soon to arrive little girlie.
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4 months ago

To spice things up a bit next week we will be meeting up with our good friends Marie and Lukas in Ribe to experience the west coast cycling with them for a few days. They will be bringing their three-year-old daughter Anna with them. Kevin and Anna get on very well, even though their relationship mostly involves Kevin following Anna around, pointing at her, and saying, “Anna, Anna, Anna.” Hopefully she won’t get too annoyed after three full days together.

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Rachael AndersonWhat a great photo!
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4 months ago

We set off tomorrow, with quite a lot of rain and thunderstorms in the forecast for the coming days. Follow along, this is going to be AMAZING!!!

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Suzanne GibsonGreat to see the family riding again! And congratulations on the future addition!
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4 months ago
Halûk OkurCongratulations Dea and Chris!
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4 months ago
Rachael AndersonYipee, another family adventure to follow! I hope the weather cooperates.
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4 months ago
Sue PriceCongratulations on the newest member of your cycling family! What an awesome way to introduce her to the work you both love so much!
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4 months ago