Teething problems - The ninth step ... Somewhere in South Africa - CycleBlaze

January 19, 2021

Teething problems

Ganzekraal to George, mostly on the back of a pickup

We've had a bit of a hiatus.  Leigh has a lingereing tooth abscess that decided to flare up the day before we tackled the rough roads through the Prince Alfred Pass to the Keurbooms River.  As anyone who has bounced along a rough road while suffering from toothache will know, it is something best avoided.

So we hitched a ride on the back of a farm bakkie (pick-up to the non-South Africans) to George where Leigh managed to see a doctor on Sunday morning.  She has been dosed up with an antibiotic and pain killers for the past three days and it seems that she will be ready to ride tomorrow.

Of course, our route has changed completely, again !

Now we will be taking the N2 and the R102 along the coast back to Port Elizabeth (heading into the south-easter of course).

More updates once we are on the road again.

Today's ride: 17 km (11 miles)
Total: 1,981 km (1,230 miles)

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Mike AylingI hope that Leigh is now medicated enough to last until she can see her usual dentist.

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4 years ago
Jean-Marc StrydomTo Mike AylingI suspect something more drastic than antibiotics lies in her future :-(. Hopefully she can hang in until we get to PE.
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4 years ago