Anticipation and planning. - Big Mountains, Small Towns. - CycleBlaze

Anticipation and planning.

Alison is a wise woman. She told me when it's your zero birthday, you get to make the choices all year. This year I turn 60. I'm not sure I will make all choices this year, but I did design our summer tour. It has been a few years since we have visited old favorites close to home. We are winding all around and going nowhere.

I was fortunate  to spend five weeks in Tucson this spring.  I rode 1,600 miles and felt myself tour ready in February. Then I came home and started riding  in Colorado. I am alternating between horror and despair at the difficult climbing. I need to remaster gaining elevation. This summer ride is all about mountain top vistas!

As usual, we are staying in motels and eating out. My days of 3 AM outhouse visits from a cozy tent are long gone. Now I enjoy padding across soft carpet with my eyes half closed for the inevitable bathroom visit.

We do not carry a tent and sleeping bags in case of an emergency. All of our lodging is booked months in advance.  You can tell I am a Type A person who likes an organized plan. For years I wished to be spontaneous  and free spirited. It was not meant to be. I've grown to enjoy my personality - there are advantages to knowing where I will lay my head when I hit town each afternoon.

We have toured each summer through COVID. I anticipate this summer will feel the most normal concerning mask wearing and eating in restaurants. We will carry masks and use them if necessary. We are triple vaxed and feel it is reasonable to enjoy life. 

Jacinto in Wisconsin. His bike is a Rodriguez, made in Seattle. It has a Rohloff hub and a belt drive. It's the cat's meow!
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Rachel and Patrick HugensHi Jacinto,
My bike is a Davidson built in Seattle, bought in 1992 and still using on all tours
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2 years ago
Kelly IniguezTo Rachel and Patrick HugensRachel,

Have you heard the $1. Per mile rule? Once you have ridden a mile for every dollar
Your bike costs, it is paid for and you can get a new one! I think your bike is long paid for. Jacinto had a good old Surly that he is down to pennies the mile. He still loves that bike and rides it often. Old
Favorites are so nice.
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2 years ago
Kelly IniguezTo Rachel and Patrick HugensRachel,

Have you heard the $1. Per mile rule? Once you have ridden a mile for every dollar
Your bike costs, it is paid for and you can get a new one! I think your bike is long paid for. Jacinto had a good old Surly that he is down to pennies the mile. He still loves that bike and rides it often. Old
Favorites are so nice.
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2 years ago
Rachel and Patrick HugensTo Kelly IniguezHa! yes even though in 1992 I paid $1200! Has been well worth the investment for sure.
Not sure I'd feel safe on another bike ;)
We do get attached don't we.
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2 years ago
Rachel and Patrick HugensTo Kelly IniguezAnd Happy'll love this decade!
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2 years ago
Me, in Wisconsin. My bike is a K frame, RANS Stratus XP.
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Keith Adams2,000+ miles in the mountains- commendably ambitious! So that's the first week done, what will you do for the remainder of the summer? :)
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3 years ago
Kelly IniguezTo Keith AdamsJacinto and I were just looking over the individual days. We have four days of over four thousand feet of climbing, plus another day over five thousand. I had better up my climbing here at home in anticipation. It's a good thing days are long in the summer. I am slow but sure!
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2 years ago
Genny FoxNot that you need to, but will you be using your new coupled bike this summer?
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2 years ago
Kelly IniguezI am interested in trying it, just because it has a different style of handlebar that has a storage bag. Convenient, but not necessary. Jacinto is wary of me using it, because I have such a poor track record with new bikes. I have an appointment to take it in for an appropriately geared triple crankset. Then I can ride it around home, and make my decision. I now have my favorite seat on it. Going down the road, it feels just like my other bikes. I haven't taken it on a big downhill yet. Long answer to what should be an easy question!
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2 years ago
jerry witherspoonWhy not quadruple vaxxed? Plenty boosters are available, and the vaccine does wear off. My Bev and I had our 4th in early May.

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2 years ago