July 29, 2017
Day 26 - Eugene to Camp near Reedsport: Good Things Come in Threes - Unless They're Hills
We managed to get up and out of our hotel by 6:00 and headed out of Eugene via the Fern Ridge Trail, another trail running through Eugene that took us through some neighbourhoods and then off into lovely farmland. We really enjoyed our ride in the nice cool morning air. Just outside of town we were headed towards Crow River Road. We came to an intersection and saw a BIG hill looming ahead of us. What??? This wasn't on the map! We were both not quite ready for such a big up so early, but what can you do? We rode on through the intersection, and what do you know? Our Crow Road went around, not up! Well, hurray for that! We knew we had 3 big climbs (well, big for us) before we got over to Reedsport, so were very happy to enjoy the flat for a little while longer.
Going along, we noticed a change in land use. Whereas before it was all farmland, now we were seeing more ranch land. Lots of dairy cows and horses out this way. A couple of dairy cows, on their way to the pasture stopped in surprise and just stared at us. Hmmm... I guess they've never seen Canadians before?
We enjoyed the quiet of this country road which become more and more quiet the further out we got. Eventually, we came to the first climb. Now, if you read our journal from last summer, you will know that hills and I do not have a good history. However, I have developed a new strategy and now was the time to really put it to the test. Up we went, with me stopping as needed to have a drink and catch my breath. It was a couple of miles at least, but we made it! I rode the whole way!
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We were pretty pumped when we got to the top, even though we knew there were two more to come. There was a nice, fast downhill and then some flat before we came to the second hilll. Still employing our strategy of stopping every so often to take a breather, we slowly made our way up. I don't know how long this part was, but it was pretty tough. Some bikers stopped to chat with us and mentioned that we were about 2/3 of the way up and that the 3rd hill was a little easier - not so steep, more gradual. Great we thought! It was only 11:00 and our original thinking had been to stop between the second and third hill, camp along the road and then do the last one on the second day, maybe camping again on the other side. However, now we made the decision to keep going, since it was still so early. Much of the ride was in the shade as well, which meant we were not feeling the heat of the day (probably about 90 degrees F). We had a quick lunch and then started up our third big climb of the day.
It started out well, in the shade and stopping for breaks, we were slowly making our way up.
However, as we neared the top, we came to a section that had been all logged off, which meant no shade. Now we were climbing in the heat of the day and it really took all the energy out of both of us. We struggled on, but I was beginning to look for a spot to just camp for the night, only there were none. We were stopped once again, looking up and I said to Jim, I will walk my bike up to that point and that point only and if we aren't going downhill, I'm not going any further. Wouldn't you know it? There it was, the top! We did it!
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A lot more bedraggled than when we crested the first hill, Jim and I flew down the other side of the mountain. Well, not really. We had to ride the breaks the whole way down as the road was in very poor condition with the biggest potholes I have ever seen! They were so big, they were marked with spray paint so that people would not miss them. Some had been embellished by passing motorists. I wish we had stopped to take a picture of one, but by this time, we were done and just wanted to find a place to camp.
We rode on, looking for a likely spot when we finally came to a pulloff where several families were camping. Although not an official camp spot, it looked good enough for these two worn out cyclists. We quickly set up the tent and put out our chairs and then just sat there, too tired to think. Eventually, we decided to just have granola for dinner so we wouldn't have to set up the stove. We ate, walked down for a look at the river and then retired to our tent, asleep at 8:30! Whew! Are we glad that day is done!!!
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Today's ride: 83 km (52 miles)
Total: 951 km (591 miles)
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