Recap - "Vibes" - CycleBlaze

From "Vibes"

By Jeff Lee


Start: Morro Bay, California, June 15, 2024.

End: Manitowoc, Wisconsin, July 23, 2024.

States: Nine (California, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, Nebraska, South Dakota, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin.)

Miles: 2,678.

Days: 39 (37 days of riding, 2 rest days.) 

Average miles per day, including rest days: 68.7. 

Average miles per day, NOT including rest days: 72.4 .

Total elevation gain: 101,221 feet.

Most elevation gain in one day: 8,674 feet on day eight.

Hardest day: Day eight.

Highest elevation: 9,200 feet on day five.

The single biggest sustained climb I've ever done, according to Strava: 5,585 feet on day five of this tour.

Number of 100+ mile days: Five.

Number of days greater than 90 miles but less than 100 miles: Five.

Flat tires: Zero .

PSI of my tires at the start of the tour: 50.

Number of times I put air in my tires during the tour: Once, on day thirty-four.

PSI of my tires when I finally put air in them on day thirty-four: 20 (front) and 22 (rear.)

Bicycle equipment that I can recommend without reservation: Teravail Sparwood tires.

Weight of bike with everything on it: Approximately 75 lbs.

Number of bottles of Nyquil consumed, so I could sleep while I was bothered by a cold and cough during much of the tour: Three.

Number of times I fell down: Two. Once when I couldn't get unclipped while stopping while climbing on day five, and once when I slipped getting into the motel shower on day six. The second fall was actually scarier than the first.

Meat eaten: None.

Cheese pizzas eaten: Many.

Chocolate milk consumed: Several gallons.

Question I was most frequently asked: The same as on every tour I've done - Variations of "You're by yourself? Aren't you afraid?" 

Most annnoying question I was asked: A tie - Variations of "Are you carrying a gun?", and variations of "How many miles do you get out of those tires?"

Scary traffic incidents: One - A few feet after I turned left out of the motel parking lot on day thirty-nine.

Unkind people: One - The very large, very angry man at the hotel breakfast on day thirty-five.

Kind, helpful people: Many. 

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George (Buddy) HallGood summary - I enjoy recaps of bike tours, it helps in understanding the route and the adventure. I also get asked the "Aren't you afraid?" type of questions. I think the folks who ask this live their own lives in fear and would never consider undertaking an adventure such as you just did. And I can't imagine carrying a gun on a bicycle tour - I think folks who think they would need to do so are too frightened to undertake a significant bike tour anyway.
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2 months ago
Kelly IniguezTo George (Buddy) HallI don't think I've ever been asked if I'm afraid. Interesting, being female. I have been asked if I'm alone, but I always quip that my husband sleeps in, and rides fast, he gives me a head start because I"m slow. All true statements. Perhaps his potential for catching me is enough to keep people from asking if I'm afraid? I'd guesstimate that I ride alone 95% of the time. The exception being our Europe tour, where I made advance arrangements with Jacinto to ride together. But that's not our norm.

To my knowledge, I've toured once with a man carried a gun in his handlebar bag. I didn't know until weeks into the tour when he mentioned not being concerned about bear along the route, because he had a gun, and of course he carried a gun for personal safety. Why would I think otherwise?
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2 months ago
Gregory GarceauYour amazing mileage and climbing statistics no longer surprise me, because you've done it so many times before. Nor do the most frequently asked questions. But the three bottles of Nyquil and the fact that you persevered through all those coughing fits is most impressive.
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2 months ago