Roy's Camp to Mururani Rest camp - Kim and Glory - It's in My Soul - CycleBlaze

May 31, 2022

Roy's Camp to Mururani Rest camp

Today’s ride was a bit of a challenge, but doable. Some rolling hills thrown in, but nothing too bad. What is bad is the wind. It’s a strong crosswind not doing me any favors. Definitely slowed me down some when it really picked up right before lunch. But, since it’s Corey Hart’s 60th birthday today, of course I blasted his music for a couple of hours to get my mind off the added aggravation.  

Corey is a huge music Canadian icon from the 80's/90's  best known for his song "Sunglasses at Night."  For those of you not familiar with my blogs on CGOAB, Corey Hart has been a huge positive influence in my life.  Specifically, his song "Never Surrender" saved my life.  There's more surprises coming later this year, but for now, know I have a huge amount of respect and admiration for the kind, caring human that he is.  And yes, I've met him :)

Tonight I am camped right before the infamous "red line."  I've been told once I cross that line, ie checkpoint, I will be in the "real Africa."  I have so far toured in what is considered "beginner Africa."  I don't care what they say, it's  already been an exciting experience for me.  Tomorrow, sh*ts about to get real!  

The real purpose of the line is a foot and mouth disease checkpoint.  The part of Namibia I've already been in exports a lot of meat to other countries so obviously more controlled.  The part I'm about to enter has no farms and few fences.  It's all communal land.  Farm animals are free roaming and not necessarily free from diseases.  They don't want the potentially diseased animals crossing paths with the disease free animals. 

I also happen to like Bryan Adams a lot, specifically, “Summer of 69”
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Susan StewartI looked for this one, but somehow missed it, suddenly I was at 70
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8 months ago
Above average lunch
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Nothing to see here
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I love this tree
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Home sweet home
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A visitor
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Words by Corey Hart
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Today's ride: 43 miles (69 km)
Total: 2,738 miles (4,406 km)

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