Guerrero Negro to Vicaino - Kim and Glory - It's in My Soul - CycleBlaze

January 19, 2022

Guerrero Negro to Vicaino

Much to my surprise this morning it rained overnight. There were puddles all over the hotel parking lot. That also meant the weather was humid. I was getting a late start but I thought the road was all flat so I wasn’t too worried. It was mostly flat but with a slight uphill grade. There were flowers lining the road and at one point it looks like somebody might’ve planted some wildflower seed. It was nice to see some colors today and at one point I got a nice with their fragrant scent.

Wow, a mix of flowers. How’d they get here?
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Bill ShaneyfeltMust have had some rain down there in the past few weeks. Water seeps into pavement cracks, and pavement keeps it from evaporating, so plants have a chance to thrive.

I do see quite a variety there. Pinkish ones are a species of sand verbena, possibly pink sand verbena.

Yellow ones are primrose. Possibly yellow desert evening primrose.

White one might be hole in the sand.

I also see feathery looking stork's bill leaves in the lower right corner.

And center bottom, our nasty "friend" sand burrs.

Finally, I recognize the roundish leaves of common mallow next to the spiny burrs.
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3 years ago
Rita McKinneySo great to have crossed paths with you Kim,
We wish you the best. Such a blessing stay strong
Let’s keep in contact. Xo
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3 years ago

I knew today would be a long boring stretch and other cyclist had mentioned about the telephone poles. They’re not kidding, that’s the only thing in the scenery you notice. In case you were wondering, there are 11 telephone poles per kilometer times both sides of the street. I checked it multiple times just to be sure.  Hey, it kept me occupied.

Today’s activity: counting telephone poles
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How many can you count?
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About 20 miles in a car coming the opposite direction slow down and help some thing up to the window, but I couldn’t hear what he said. I stop my bike and The driver threw it in reverse. He was asking if I wanted a 1 L bottle of water. I decided I would be foolish not to take it since I was in the middle of nowhere again. Me: Mucho‘s Gracias. Him: I love you! Ummm, thank you?  ?? lost in translation?

A bit mesmorizing
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I had taken a break by the side of the road at about mile 15 so I was holding out until at least Mile 30 or 32 before I took another break. I found a pull out and took an extended break. And when I say extended I mean I thought it was a good idea to try to shoot a video for this challenge on exercise. I never video myself and with the road being narrow and traffic I ended up trying like 10 times to get it. I was having fun doing it until I realized another 30 minutes had  gone by and I barely made it a mile. I was pretty exhausted when I had stopped for my break, but recovered.   However, goofing off and the sun was probably not the smartest of ideas at that point as I still had another 15 miles to cover.  Oh well, live and learn.

I finally came across a shop about 8 miles before town I for sure stopped for a cold Powerade drink.  I was even more excited because there was a little bench out front for me. The saddest looking dog came over for some attention and I was sure to give him some petting. I felt sorry for him.

This is the type of store I see in the remote areas. Their house is attached. Time for a cold drink!
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The road was narrow and most of the time I had no shoulder.  However the trucks and cars were courteous and usually pulled completely into the other lane, or would slow down and wait to pass me.  I always gave them a little wave to acknowledge that I appreciated that. However, in the last few kilometers before town there was an added drainage area that created a safe place for me to cycle. I was just moving over to it as a truck was coming up and the guy lays on his horn. You know I’m tired because I instantly threw up my hand and showed him the middle finger for an extended  period of time.  

More cheery yellow flowers to break up the monotony of boring desert scenery.
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I arrived at Hotel Kadekaman.  It looked like a great place for camping, but I was hot so asked how much a room was .  He wrote $800 pesos which I indicated was too much.  Then he crossed if off and wrote $580 .  I asked to see the room and it was very cute so "sold."   It is conveniently located across from a big, modern supermarket.  To wrap up my night, I was sitting on my own business and all of a sudden I hear this buzzing noise and then a flying cockroach lands on me!  All things considered, I handled it quite well.  Jose, the cockroach was banished to outside!

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Today's ride: 48 miles (77 km)
Total: 1,385 miles (2,229 km)

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Kathleen JonesBeen a couple of weeks, Kim, so just checking in that things are still going well.
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3 years ago
Kim JohnsonTo Kathleen JonesHi, I forgot to respond sooner. Sorry! If you’re following along you’ll see I was in the midst of making plans to cycle in Africa. Got way behind! Working on catching up . Thanks so much for checking up in me! Nice to be missed.
Happy cycling!
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2 years ago