January 18, 2022
Guerrero Negro - rest day/whale watching
Woke up this morning and got right on trying to figure out whale watching. I went to a company the main/most well known lady recommended, but they didn't speak English, and well, my lack of Spanish, made it too hard to figure out. But, if I understood correctly, they weren't going again until tomorrow and I was trying to find a mid morning excursion.
I ended up going with a well known company, Mario's Tours. I pedaled over to their shop rather than having them pick me up because 30 minutes before departure, there was an informational orientation I did not want to miss. I was the only one there, but she told me about the lagoon and the whales. They migrate down from Alaska to give birth in the Ojo de Liebre Lagoon. There use to be three entrances to the lagoon, but the ever drifting sand/sand bar has blocked off the other entrances. There is a deep channel through the lagoon which the whales take. She made sure to point out that the whales are Mexican citizens as the babies are born in the lagoon and then they make the trek to Alaska. Probably technically not a trek. Perhaps a voyage?
She drove us out through the salt production area. Who knew that this area produces the worlds most salt?! Kind of interesting. We saw salt being loaded/poured onto a barge and later saw the barge being pulled by tugboats. Can't remember where they take it, but I wonder what happens when it rains? hmmm
We were dropped off at our panga, aka boat. Now, not the typical whale watching boat you would think of on a US tour. A small boat with about 6 rows. The captain in the back with the motor. Yep, that's it. We were given life jackets and semi-poncho type capes. Luckily, it was a beautiful sunny day with now wind. As we left, I was so happy to be speeding along on the sea.
Our first stop was to see some sea lions hanging out on a big red buoy. They were cute. We continued on and before too long spotted our first whales. We actually spotted quite a bunch. None were too close to the boat. Everyone would stand up and try to get that perfect picture, including me. Sometimes though, I put the camera down and I just enjoyed watching them. I saw one breach and that was super cool! Also saw some come up nose first and that was pretty cool too. Saw one new mama and a glimpse of her baby.
Then, the whales all seemed to disappear. We did catch glimpses of dolphins jumping, but just a few glimpses then they would disappear too. We probably went almost an hour before I spotted two off in the distance. Our captain turned the boat that way. I had been beginning to worry we wouldn't see anymore. Well, these two whales ended up being the grand finale! He either stopped the engine or it was on so low when we got to them. Next thing we know, the two biggest whales we'd seen our hanging out by our boat. Swimming alongside, under it and coming just out of reach. Yes, it's a thing that they interact with he boats and you can sometimes touch them. One was coming really close and although I knew you could touch them I asked (to our Spanish speaking guide) "can I touch it? " Didn't wait for an answer, not that he understood me anyways, and reached out and touched it! I think my mind was just trying to process that I was going to actually touch a whale and you know that's not exactly an every day occurrence so I couldn't quite wrap my head around it. Of course, this would never be allowed in US waters either. The whales do obviously like the interaction or are super curious because they are in their element and choose to come close. I will say it's a bit weird seeing this huge creature under your boat and the thought did cross my mind that it could totally capsize us all. I should also mention, the whales had barnacles growing on them. I have a video where I'm reaching down into the water as one whale's coming up close and then the second whale surfaces a bit away and spouts through his blow whole and scared all of us! We were all focused on the one super close and forgot about the second. Kind of like the raptors hunting in Jurassic Park. Well, at least we weren't being hunted!
The whales hung around for a good 20 minutes and it was the most amazing thing! So much laughter including nervous laughter because I can't believe this is even happening. How lucky am I to have gotten to experience such majestic creatures up close and personal. And when I say personal, what I really mean is.....have you ever had a shower from a whale surfacing and blowing out his blowhole? I did. Four times. Still wondering what that whole process entails, but I decided it was potentially whale snot. I really got a shower one time and the captain just laughed as I wiped off my face. Ahhhh, the memories.
ok, I can’t seem to upload my video and my whale pics aren’t too great. If you want to see the video, it’s on my Instagram: kimjohnsonthecyclist
Today's ride: 5 miles (8 km)
Total: 1,337 miles (2,152 km)
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