From Munich to Paris 2008 - CycleBlaze

From Munich to Paris 2008

A touch of Bavaria, across the Danube and the Rhine, over the hills of Champagne country...

By Suzanne Gibson
1,097 km (681 miles) over 23 days between Jun. 1, 2008 and Jun. 23, 2008
Ten Years Later heart 3


Getting ready: Am I fit? heart 2
Getting ready: Is my bicycle fit? heart 2
Planning our route: First to Paris heart 1
A warm day at last: Test ride to Mariabrunn heart 6
Another warm day: Another ride heart 6
Lots of warm days: Biking in Bavaria heart 3
From Munich to Augsburg - and back home: Dress rehearsal heart 11

Deutschland: Ein schönes Land

From Munich to Bobingen: Ready? heart 6
From Bobingen to Gunzburg: On the way to the Danube heart 8
From Gunzburg to Sussen: Sweet, a piece of cake - well, not really heart 7
From Sussen to Stuttgart: The big city heart 16
Stuttgart: Rainy day, rest day heart 8
From Stuttgart to Pforzheim: Up, up and away heart 4
From Pforzheim to Karlsruhe: A short but tiring day heart 3
From Karlsruhe to Kilstett: We cross the Rhine into France heart 10

La belle France

From Kilstett to Saverne: Alsace in technicolor heart 13
From Saverne to Port Ste. Marie/Moussey: Crossing the Vosges Mountains heart 9
From Port St. Marie to Nancy: Camping, at last heart 12
From Nancy to Pagny-sur-Meuse: Some sun and some rain heart 10
From Pagny-sur-Meuse to Houdelincourt: Friday, the 13th heart 14
From Houdelincourt to Bar-le-Duc: Home of the bike with pedals and Suzanne, the locomotive heart 7
From Bar-le-Duc to Vitry-le-Francois: Rain - all day heart 3
From Vitry-le-Francois to Chalons-en-Champagne: Where are the vineyards heart 7
From Chalons-en-Champagne to Epernay: Muddy Champagne heart 19
From Epernay to Nogent l'Artaud: The hills of Champagne heart 10
From Nogent l'Artaud to Meaux: Almost there heart 4
From Meaux to Paris: Made it heart 9
Paris: Adieu heart 19