Kokomo, Indiana to St. Henry, Ohio - Bicycle Tour in 1981 - CycleBlaze

July 29, 1981

Kokomo, Indiana to St. Henry, Ohio

Enter the Buckeye State

I woke up in the Kokomo City Mission feeling a bit rough around the edges. The room was stuffy and there was a lot of snoring, coughing, hacking, wheezing, and choking going on. However, I was thankful for not having had to sleep out in the rain.

They got everyone up at 5:30 AM, to get ready for breakfast. The meal consisted of hotcakes and eggs, which is good fuel for us and for anyone else who might have had to spend a day on the streets. We said our goodbyes, gave thanks, and moved on down the road.

Hoosier friendliness and hospitality continued as we passed through and stopped for breaks in the small towns along the way, such as Greentown and Gas City. The local residents stopped to chat with us, being genuinely interested in our adventures. It was really nice talking to everyone.

Paul, at the Ohio State Line.
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Yours truly at the Buckeye State Line.
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At around 3:00 PM, we crossed the state line, into Ohio at a place called Fort Recovery. The historical sign told us the fort was once commanded by General "Mad" Anthony Wayne. After a brief pause there, we continued on to St. Henry, arriving at 4:00 PM. Shortly after getting there, we learned it was really after 5:00 PM, because we had crossed into the Eastern Time Zone. Another milestone on this trip. 

A sign at the corporation ("city") limits (because Ohio refers to its cities and towns as either corporations or unincorporated places) stated the high school basketball team were state champions in 1979. The proximity to that basketball hotbed, the Hoosier State, might have had something to do with the accomplishment. 

The town park was our destination, proving to be a good choice because we were able to spend a very peaceful and comfortable night there. It was clear, from the park layout and amenities that athletics were a priority for St. Henry residents. The park had beautiful facilities, including tennis courts, a swimming pool, a pavilion, baseball diamonds, and a large childrens' playground. It was an impressive place for a town with a mere 1600 residents. It was a great place to catch a few winks, as well.

Today's ride: 86 miles (138 km)
Total: 4,157 miles (6,690 km)

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