Indian Springs, Maryland to Boiling Springs, Pennsylvania - Bicycle Tour in 1981 - CycleBlaze

August 9, 1981 to August 10, 1981

Indian Springs, Maryland to Boiling Springs, Pennsylvania

Another Reunion with Relatives


August 9, 1981 - Indian Springs, Maryland to Boiling Springs, Pennsylvania - 68 miles;

August 10, 1981 - Boiling Springs - Day off.

Description of Events:

August 9, 1981: Almost a week later and to the minute, we re-entered Pennsylvania. This time, the terrain was gentler and the roads were in better condition. The entire ride was very pleasant today. We covered the 68 miles and finished before 2:00 PM in the afternoon.

Re-entering Pennsylvania, a week later and at nearly the exact same time... early on a Sunday morning.
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My relatives were surprised to see us so early. My cousins, Jim and Mel, actually drove past us when we were on Springville Road, approaching their home. When we got there, they had some refreshments ready and we all sat around catching up for a little while. When Michelle and Larry arrived, it was time for dinner. The spaghetti and meatballs hit the spot. The after dinner conversation revolved around sports and the Pittsburgh Steelers.

At that time, the Steelers had recently won four (4) Super Bowls. Pittsburgh fans everywhere were absolutely wild about the team.  There had been a major league baseball (MLB) strike that year, as well. With no baseball to occupy fans, the Steelers had everyone's attention. The MLB strike lasted from June 12 to August 10, 1981, the day after we arrive in Bubble Town.

Collage of 4 photos upon returning to Pennsylvania: Lower left, Paul at the PA State Line; Lower right, a scarecrow on a farm that we passed on Route 11; Upper right, the cooling towers of the Three Mile Island nuclear plant; Upper left, with my relatives in Boiling Springs.
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Following that discussion, we all sat back and watched two movies, The Outlaw Josey Wells and The Blues Brothers. Both were on HBO. This was one of the few times I had watched TV since this trip began. It was definitely the most extended period of time in front of the TV for a very long time. I suppose we earned it. Although the movies were great and the company even better, I don't miss looking at the TV and prefer being out in the wide open spaces anytime there is a choice.

August 10, 1981: On our day off, we ran some errands and ended up being interviewed by Paul Reed, a journalist for the Carlisle Sentinel newspaper. We enjoyed the interview and hoped what we had to say would inspire others to start riding. 

We also had an aborted trip to Gettysburg. Part way there, the car radiator overheated. We added some antifreeze and then went back to Boiling Springs to avoid having a breakdown away from my relatives' residence. Later on, as a consolation, Uncle Jim took us over to Middletown to see the Three Mile Island nuclear plant. In 1979, the plant had an accident. A complete meltdown was averted but the plant was seriously damaged and basically shut down. I managed to get a few photos before a security guard politely suggested that we move on. 

A couple more photos of Three Mile island, before we got chased away.
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All in all, this stop in Boiling Springs (aka Bubble Town as the locals call it) was a good one for us. I enjoyed seeing my relatives and Paul had a good time, as well. We got some rest and were now ready to continue on. 

Today's ride: 68 miles (109 km)
Total: 4,736 miles (7,622 km)

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